Cumulative global wind energy capacity reached 254 GW as of the end of June, according to the latest half-year report from the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA).
Of the 254 GW, 16.546 GW were added in the first six months of this year, which was 10% less than the amount added in the first half of 2011, when 18.405 GW were added.
China, the U.S., Germany, Spain and India continue to lead wind energy development, together representing 74% of global wind energy capacity, the report notes. The top 10 markets show a diverse picture in the first half of the year: While five countries – the U.S., Germany, Italy, France and the U.K. – performed stronger than in 2011, India had a stable market size, and four countries saw a decreasing market.
China still represents the largest wind energy market, having added 5.4 GW in the first six months of the year. However, the country added significantly less wind power than in the previous year, when it added 8 GW. By June of this year, China had an overall installed capacity of around 67.7 GW.
16,5 GW of new installations in the first half of 2012, after 18,4 GW in 2011.
Worldwide wind power capacity has reached 254 GW, 273 GW expected for full year.
Slowdown in China leads to global decrease, additional uncertainties in several key markets.
Bonn (WWEA) – The worldwide wind capacity reached 254’000 MW by the end of June 2012, out of which 16’546 MW were added in the first six months of 2012.
This increase represents 10 % less than in the first half of 2011, when 18’405 MW were added.
The global wind capacity grew by 7% within six months (2% less than the same period in 2011) and by 16,4 % on an annual basis (mid-2012 compared with mid-2011). In comparison, the annual growth rate in 2011 was 20,3 %.
Prof. He Dexin, WWEA President: “Wind technology has become a pillar of the electricity supply scheme of many countries – just recently, Denmark announced a world record wind power share of 28 % in the country’s electricity supply. This success of wind power has become possible because of wise supportive policies by governments on the one hand and because of innovation and cost reduction by the wind industry on the other hand. Today, wind power can compete with any other source of energy, without causing environmental problems. WWEA calls on all governments not to reduce but to strengthen their efforts so that more investment in wind power can be done.”
Stefan Gsänger, WWEA Secretary General: “The wind industry, without doubt, is currently in a dicult situation. Political uncertainties in some of the key markets, namely in the USA, Spain and India, are major matters of concern. At the same time, China has reached its maximum speed of installing new wind farms, although the Chinese market still continues to be much bigger than any other country. However, this leads to strong pressure on Chinese manufacturers and will further increase pressure on wind turbine prices worldwide. More countries should now make use of the low cost of wind power and implement the technology as fast as possible.”
The worldwide wind capacity reached 254,000 MW by the end of June 2012, out of which 16,546 MW were added in the rst six months of 2012. This increase represents 10 % less than in the rst half of 2011, when 18,405 MW were added.
The global wind capacity grew by 7% within six months (2% less than the same period in 2011) and by 16,4 % on an annual basis (mid-2012 compared with mid-2011). In comparison, the annual growth rate in 2011 was 20,3 %.
Top Wind Markets: China, USA, Germany, Spain, and India continue to lead
Still the ve leading countries, China, USA, Germany, Spain and India, represent together a total share of 74 % of the global wind capacity.
The top ten markets show a diverse picture in the rst half of 2012: While ve countries performed stronger than in 2011 (USA, Germany, Italy, France, UK), India had a stable market size and four countries saw a decreasing market (China, Spain, Canada, Portugal).
China and India
Again in 2012, China represents by far the largest wind market, adding 5,4 GW in 6 months, however, signicantly less than in the previous year, when it added 8 GW. China accounted for 32 % of the world market for new wind turbines, signicantly less than the 43 % in the full year 2011. By June 2012, China had an overall installed capacity of around 67,7 GW. Without doubt China will continue in the foreseeable future its number one position, but at a lower speed.
India added 1’471 MW, a similar amount like in the rst of 2011. The prospects of the Indian market are blurring due to outstanding payments for wind generators in some parts of the country and the recent decisions to abolish important support schemes.
Most of the European markets showed stronger growth in the rst half of 2012 than in same period of the previous year: The top markets in Europe continue to be Germany with a new capacity of 941 MW and a total of 30,016 MW, Spain (414 MW, 22,087
MW in total), Italy (490 MW, 7,280 MW total), France (650MW, 7,182MW total), the United Kingdom (822 MW, 6,480 MW) and Portugal (19 MW, 4’398 MW).
All these markets, beside from Spain and Portugal, showed an increase in their new installed capacity compared to the rst half of 2011.
Again, the “emerging” markets in Eastern Europe are amongst the most dynamic markets, e.g. Romania with 33 % growth (274 MW added), Poland with 32 % (527 MW added by April 2012), Ukraine with 64 % (37 MW added) and Latvia with 64 % (20 MW added).
USA and Canada
The US market added 2’883 MW between January and June 2012, about 28 % more than in the same period in 2011.
Major uncertainties arise from the unclear situation about the future of the Production Tax Credit. Several companies have already red people, and the near future of the US wind market may not be very bright in case that there is no support scheme in place. Canada installed 246 MW during the rst half of 2012, less than in the previous period of 2011.
Latin America
The two biggest Latin American markets, Brazil and Mexico, had modest growth rates but still above the global average: Brazil increased its installed capacity from 1425 MW to 1543 MW, Mexico from 929 MW to 1002 MW. Both countries are expected to
continue as the lead markets in the region in the next years.
Very encouraging developments happened in Australia whose wind market installed additional 384 MW, equaling a 17% growth in comparison with end of 2011.
Worldwide prospects for end of the year 2012 and 2013
In the second half of 2012, an additional capacity of 19,000 MW is expected to be erected worldwide, which would bring new annual installations to 35,546 MW, signicantly less that the 40,535 MW of the year 2011. The total installed wind capacity is expected to reach 273,000 MW by the end of this year 2012.
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