Between January and June renewable energy in Spain produced 42.7% of the electricity in Spain: wind power 21.7%, 2.1% solar thermal and photovoltaic solar energy 3.2%.
The production of wind power totaled 2,889 GWh, up 11.8% from the same period last year, and has made 14.1% of total production.
In June, the generation from renewable energy represented 35.9% of production.
52.5% of electricity production for this month came from technologies that do not emit CO2.
Generation of June 2015
Peninsular electricity demand in June, after taking into account calendar effects and temperatures, increased 0.2% over the same month last year.
Between January and June of renewable energy in Spain produced 42.7% of the electricity in Spain: wind power 21.7%, 2.1% solar thermal and photovoltaic solar energy 3.2%.
Generation from January to June 2015
Gross demand was 20,300 GWh, 3.6% higher than in June 2014.
In the first half of the year, corrected for calendar effects and temperatures, consumption was 0.5% higher than last year. The gross electricity demand in this period was 123,460 GWh, 1.9% more than in the same period of 2014.