Argentina continues to add renewable developments despite the complex local macroeconomic context. Wind energy technology with wind turbines is the one that makes the greatest contribution to the energy matrix.
The complex macroeconomic scenario in which the country is submerged on the brink of default and the restrictions imposed to prevent the further spread of the coronavirus were not enough to slow the advance of renewable energy in the country.
With the entry into the market of new projects such as the Vientos Neuquinos I wind farm, located in the province of Neuquén, the total renewable installed capacity reached 3,222 MW repeated throughout the country.
With wind developments as the most chosen technology, the country continues its -also- achievable objective, set by Law 27,191 of the National Development Regime for the use of Renewable Energy Sources, to achieve that 20 percent of its own consumption of electrical energy is through renewable sources by December 2025.
The last record recorded by Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico S.A. (Cammesa) was on April 11 when 18.5% of total demand was met.
In detail, technology separator, 2099 MW come from the wind farms that are distributed throughout the country, but that are mainly concentrated in the Patagonian region and in Buenos Aires.
In second place, appears the hydraulic energy with 496 MW of contribution, more distributed in the Argentine territory than the wind energy. Wind farms closely follow, with a strong presence in the north of the country with 457MW.
Finally, there are the bioenergies that are present in the north and center of the country, which in total contribute about 170 MW to the total power.