En la web de la empresa se puede ver un vídeo y todos los datos técnicos yuneeccouk.site.securepod.com/Aircraft_specification.html
Sus baterías de polímeros de litio de 230 voltios se pueden cargar en apenas 3 horas. Su envergadura es de 14 metros y la longitud del avión es de 7 metros. Posee un índice de planeo de 25:1, cifra que le permite mantener largos recorridos por el espacio aéreo. El peso de la aeronave se sitúa en los 172 kilos, sin contar las baterías.
El E430 alcanza los 150 kilómetros por hora, y pasará a la historia como el primer avión eléctrico comercial, y también como el primer Plug-In Aircraft.
La producción de aviones ligeros deportivos designada por la FAA, para aviones como el E430, que pesan menos de 600 kilos y vuelan a menos de 220 km/h, ha experimentado un fuerte aumento de su uso en los últimos años, debido a unos precios más asequibles y a la escasez de problemas mecánicos.
La FAA creó la designación LSA en 2005, un sistema de regulación necesario para homologar este tipo de aeronaves. Los requisitos de concesión de licencias para pilotar este tipo de aviones son más fáciles que el resto, ya que se orientan hacia uso deportivo, un mercado todavía por explotar, pero que sólo requiere de unas 20 horas de vuelo para su obtener una licencia y el derecho a conducir este tipo de aeronaves.
El modelo debutará el próximo mes en la Feria de Aviación Oshkosh, que es el evento de aviación deportiva de recreo por excelencia de América.
Yuneec International are proud to introduce the E430 the world’s first commercially produced ‘Electric Aircraft’.
The E430 is a twin seat, single engine, LSA class aircraft designed to be simple to use, easy to fly and with virtually zero vibration, it’s very smooth. Low noise, no emissions, no fuel, extremely low maintenance and best of all. . . . . it’s environmentally friendly.
Electric flight, once seen as futuristic, has arrived and with E430’s flight times of between 1.5 and 3 hours (depending on configuration) electric flight now becomes a realistic power source for sport aviation. Charging times of 3 hours for as little as $5 make electric a really low cost way to fly and with only 2 main moving parts in the motor (the bearings) the reliability and maintenance are like nothing seen before.
Add to that the delight of smooth, quiet powered flight or silent using its 25:1 glide ratio – the E430 is in a class of its own.
On Saturday June 20th at an Airfield North of Shanghai the Yuneec International E430 Electric aircraft took to the air for its second phase of test flights.
The E430 had 2 flights of around 15 minutes and did a series of basic test manoeuvres, a maximum height of 300m (975ft) was reached during the flights.
Take off was full power with the E430 lifting after around 80m at 65 Km/h. A climb rate of 7m/s was achieved during the second flight and the optimised level flying speed was 90km/h. Top speed achieved in level flight was 150km/hr and a low pass was done at full power to evaluate the noise.
Yuneec’s company test pilot, Sun Xun (3,600hrs), was delighted with the way the E430 handled but commented that for him the most surprising feature is how quiet and smooth it is, even at full power during the low pass.
The E430 will now be shipped to the USA for test flying in the USA prior to its first public display on the Yuneec stand at the EAA AirVenture 2009 at Oshkosh.