Offshore Wind Energy Now Exceeds 100 Wind farms Worldwide

As from today, the offshore wind energy newscatalyst exceeds 100 windfarms globally including Alpha Ventus, Anholt, Argyll, Atlantic Array, Baltic I, Baltic Eagle, Bank zonder Naam, BARD Offshore I, Barrow, Beatrice, Blekinge, Bligh Bank, Borkum IV, Borkum Riffgat, Borkum West II, Burbo, Butendiek, Cadiz/Mar de Trafalgar, Cape Wind, Cromer, Dantysk, Delaware, Delta NorthSee, Docking Shoal, Dogger Bank, Dudgeon East, Egmond aan Zee, Frederikshavn II, Galveston, Globaltech I, Gode Wind, Gode Wind II, Greater Gabbard, Gunfleet Sands, Gunfleet Sands II, Gwynt y Mor, Havsul, Hochsee Windpark Nordsee, Horns Rev, Horns Rev II, Humber Gateway, Inner Dowsing, Innogy Nordsee 1, Kentish Flats, Kriegers Flak, Lillgrund, Lincs, London Array, Lynn, Meerwind, MEG Offshore I, Middelgrunden, Nai Kun, Nordsee Ost, North Hoyle, Nysted, Princess Amalia Wind Farm, Q7, Race Bank, Rhode Island, Rhyl Flats, Robin Rigg, Rodsand, Sandbank 24, Scroby Sands, Shanghai, Shell Flat, Sheringham Shoal, Skabbrevet, Solway Firth, Thanet, Thornton Bank, Tricase, Trillium Power Wind 1, Utgrunden II, Ventotec , Walney, West Duddon.

The wind farms are monitored related to current status/progress, financial updates, breakthroughs etc.

The core idea of the NewsCatalyst concept is to bring each analyst, salesperson, product- and business developer a personalized access to the developments affecting his or her specific segment of the offshore wind energy marketplace.

The Offshore Wind Power NewsCatalyst covers current developments on:

Offshore turbine manufactures: Darwind B.V., Fuhrländer AG, Gamesa Corp. S.A., GE Energy, Goldwind Science and Technology Co. Ltd., Nordex AG, REpower Systems AG, Siemens Wind Power, Sinovel Wind Corporation Ltd., Vestas A/S, WinWinD Oy, Areva/Multibrid GmbH, BARD Engineering GmbH, Clipper Wind Inc. etc.

Offshore wind energy developers: AMEC plc, Acciona Energia, Airtricity/SSE, Arcadis Consult GmbH, BEC Energie Consult GmbH, Belwind N.V., Bluewater Wind, C-Power NV, CLP Holdings, Canadian Hydro Developers Inc., Centrica Renewable Energy Ltd, DONG Energy, Deepwater, Duke Energy, E.ON, EDF Energy, EDP Renováveis, ENERTRAG, EOS Offshore AG, EWE AG, Econcern/Evelop Renewables, EnBW AG, Eneco, Enova Offshore, Falcon Energy, Fred. Olsen Renewables, GE Wind Energy, Iberdrola Renovables, NRG Energy, NaiKun Wind Energy Group Inc., OceanWind, Offshore Ostsee Wind AG, PNE Wind AG (Former Plambeck), PROKON Nord, Power@Sea, RES UK & Ireland LTD, RWE AG, RWE Innogy, RWE npower, SEPAM, Scira Offshore Energy Ltd., ScottishPower Renewables, SeaEnergy Renewables Ltd., Shell WindEnergy, Statkraft, StatoilHydro, Vattenfall, Vestavind Offshore, Warwick Energy Ltd., Wind Prospect, wpd AG

Technology, including: Foundations, gears, towers, blades, nacelles, logistics, generators, grid, transmission.

Søren Ditlev, Director of NetSearch CleanTech unit says: "We see an increasing demand for this intelligence solution across the entire industry – in both large and small companies. Having the right tools to gather critical market information is no longer reserved the big players with dedicated resources and focus on intelligence. The offshore industry is moving really fast right now – and ALL the players need to keep up. The ease and comprehensiveness of the Offshore Wind Energy Newscatalyst makes this happen!"

Aalund NetSearch is a global business information provider specializing in technology driven competitive- market and scientific intelligence for the renewable energy industry.

NetSearch is headquartered in Copenhagen, but works globally with a growing client base across 5 continents.