World leaders now need to demonstrate the same level of coordination and resolve to address climate change. Economic development will not be sustained in the longer term unless the climate is stabilised. It is critical that we exit this recession in a way that lays the foundation for low-carbon growth and avoids locking us into a high-carbon future.
These are difficult and challenging times for the international business community and a poor outcome from the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen will only make them more so, by creating uncertainty and undermining confidence.
In contrast, if a sufficiently ambitious, effective and globally equitable deal can be agreed, it will create the conditions for transformational change in our global economy and deliver the economic signals that companies need if they are to invest billions of dollars in low carbon products, services, technologies and infrastructure.
The basic shape of an agreement should be as follows:
• The agreement must establish a global emissions cap and long-term reduction pathway for all greenhouse gas emissions and sources, for the period 2013 to 2050 (with interim targets). These targets will need to be guided by science to ensure global greenhouse gas concentrations are stabilised below critical thresholds. When stating this, we understand that there is an emerging consensus behind an objective of limiting global average temperature rise to less than 2 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels and that this will require global emissions to peak and begin to decline rapidly within the next decade.
Even this scenario will require a reduction of 50-85% by 2050, according to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the later the peak in emissions, the greater and costlier the required reduction. There is nothing to be gained by delay.
• Developed countries need to take on immediate and deep emission reduction commitments that are much higher than the global average, and which are backed up with credible strategies to de-carbonise their economies. The developed countries need to demonstrate that low-carbon growth is both achievable and desirable. They must also support the institutions and frameworks that will provide the necessary financial and technological assistance to developing countries.
• Developing countries will need to play their part by drawing up their own emission reduction plans in line with their common but differentiated responsibilities and capabilities. Advanced developing countries should continue to develop low-carbon growth plans, building towards the adoption of appropriate and economy-wide commitments by 2020. Action at the sector level will help accelerate the large-scale deployment of clean technologies through robust funding solutions, technological transfer and capacity building. The least developed economies need additional assistance including increased and adequate financing, and expanded cooperation to help them adapt to and join the new low-carbon economy.
Credible measurement, reporting and verification of emissions which are vital to measuring progress against the objectives of an effective climate treaty.
• Measures to deliver a robust global greenhouse gas emissions market in order to provide the most effective, efficient and equitable emission reductions. It would be comprised of a growing series of national or regional “cap-and-trade” markets linked together, in which the “caps” are brought down in line with the targets that have been adopted for emission reduction.
• Additional policy measures, because a strong carbon price alone will not be enough to deliver the level and nature of change required across each economy. Measures will be needed; to deliver a step-change in energy efficiency, to promote the rapid development, demonstration and wide deployment of low-carbon technologies and also to stimulate new markets for low-carbon goods and services. These measures will include ambitious performance and efficiency standards, bold public procurement commitments, and the development of incentives. Robust intellectual property protection as well as other enabling policies are key.
• A framework for developing countries to accelerate the large-scale deployment of clean technologies through robust funding solutions, leading to the adoption of emission reduction commitments. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) must be revised to ensure it facilitates financial support and technology transfer to developing countries on the scale required. To do this, the CDM will need to move from a project-based mechanism (supporting ad-hoc or one-off projects) to a wholesale mechanism that helps deliver additional emission abatement and low carbon growth in a transparent, robust and credible way, in line with internationally adopted sustainability criteria.
• An adaptation framework and funding mechanism to assist the poorest countries and people who are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, while being the least responsible for the problem. Adaptation funding needs to be additional, predictable, stable and adequate. Governments need to assess their climate-related risk exposure and pool their analyses.
• A mechanism to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD) which should ensure substantial, predictable, results-based, and long term financial flows to developing countries that achieve measurable and verifiable reductions in emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. An immediate interim emergency package is also needed to provide substantial funding to tropical forest nations to help them halt deforestation in the short term and to embark on alternative economic development paths before full implementation of a REDD mechanism takes place.
• A comprehensive global approach to emissions from international aviation and shipping, and a clear strategy to commercialise carbon capture and storage, leading to widespread deployment.
The strength of an agreement will be judged on its ability to drive substantive action both inside and outside the UN process, at national and international levels, but in line with the principles agreed in Copenhagen.
A strong, effective and equitable international climate framework will stimulate the domestic policy interventions, bilateral and regional deals that are needed as a matter of urgency to deliver on intermediate and long-term reduction targets and accelerate construction of the low-carbon economy. This will unlock the potential of business to do what it does best: to invest profitably, to innovate, and make affordable lowcarbon products and services to billions of consumers around the world. The more ambitious the framework, the more business will deliver.
The problem of climate change is solvable – many of the technologies required are available today while others can be developed if the right incentives are in place. The policies needed are relatively clear, and the costs of transition are manageable, even in the current economic climate. The one thing we do not have is time. Delay is not an option.
* =mc
* 25 Degrees
* 51 Give
* 2018/2022 Bidding Nation England
* A Green Heart Canada
* A&W (Shanghai) Woods
* A B Lindex
* ABPPM – Brazilian Jatropha Growers Association
* Abril Group
* Absa Group
* Acciona
* Accor
* Acrysil Limited
* Actanol Renewable Technologies GmbH
* Actio Corporation
* Adelphi Research
* Adidas
* AdSwift LLC
* AEON Co, Ltd
* AFG Venture Group
* Agencia Dossier
* Agulhas: Applied Knowledge
* Air France
* Air Service Training
* Aker Clean Carbon
* Akzo Nobel
* Alcatel-Lucent
* Alcoa Aluminio
* Alessandri & Compania
* Aletho Energy
* Alex Fraser Group
* Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG
* Alkol Inc.
* All Blinds Co.Ltd
* Allianz
* Allied Electronics Corporation Limited
* Alpro
* Alstom
* Altanova LLC
* Altavia
* Alte Technologies (Pty) Ltd
* Altedia Investment Consulting
* Alterna Savings
* Ambienta Sgr S.p.A
* Ambiente International LLP
* American Electric Power
* American Standard
* Amida
* Amlin
* Anglian Water Group
* Anglo American
* AngloGold Ashanti
* Ann Bodkin Sustainability + Architecture
* Annington Homes Limited
* Anvr
* APT Consulting Group Co., Ltd.
* ArchitectureM Chartered Architects
* Arcola Theatre
* Arcor do Brasil
* Arete Consulting
* ARICIA India International (P) Limited
* Arkx Investment Management
* Artex Limited
* Arthur D. Little
* Artillery Architecture and Interior Design
* Artoos Communication Group
* Arup Group Ltd
* Asda Stores Limited
* Asia-Pacific Emissions Trading Forum
* Asia Pacific Resources
* Asia PR
* Asian Fabricx
* ASN Bank
* Aspen Insurance Holdings Limited
* Aspen Skiing Company
* Association for Consultancy & Engineering
* Association of Train Operating Companies
* Astonfield Renewable Resources
* Atkins
* Atkinson Bolton Consulting Ltd
* Atlantia
* Attends Healthcare
* Australian Centre for Corporate Social Sustainability
* Australian Council for Superannuation Investors
* Autoshare
* Avani Creation Inc
* Aviva Plc
* AXA Insurance
* Axiz
* B&Q China
* B&S Link
* Baigal
* Bajaj Electricals Ltd.
* Bakkavor
* Balfour Beaaty
* Bancaja Habitat
* Banco Galicia
* Banco Popular Español
* Banco Santander
* Banco Triangulo
* Bank of America Merrill Lynch
* Bank of Beijing
* Bank of East Asia
* Barclays
* Barilla
* Barker White
* Barlinek
* Bayer AG
* BBLB Architects
* Be Bold Do Good
* Beachcroft LLP
* Beijing Khan Wind Technology
* Belgacom
* Bellwether Services
* Beluga Shipping
* Be Natural N.V
* Bergfald & Co as
* Best Books Ltd
* Best Coast Editorial
* BG-Group
* BioEarth inc. / BioEarth Bangladesh LTD
* Bioenergia Cogeradora S/A
* Bio Group Limited
* BioRegional Development Group
* Bluenext
* BMO Financial Group
* Bombardier
* Bond Bryan Architects
* Born Branded Ltd
* BP
* Brandix Lanka Limited
* Braskem
* BRF Brasil Foods
* Bristol-Myers Squibb
* British Airways
* British American Tobacco
* British Recycled Products
* Bromotion Consultancy
* BSkyB
* BT
* Bullfrog Power
* Buro Happold
* Business Council for Sustainable Energy
* Business in the Community Ireland
* Business Environment Council
* Business Leadership South Africa
* C Change Investments, LLC
* C Restored
* Cable & Wireless
* Calvert Investments
* Camco International Ltd
* Canadian Baha’i Business Forum
* Canadian Business for Social Responsibility
* Canmore Partnership
* Cape Media Corporation
* Capgemini
* capitalC
* CarbonCounted
* Carbonetworks, Inc.
* Carbon Creative UK
* Carbon Foresight
* CarbonLow Group
* Carbon Retirement
* Carlsberg Group
* Carpe Diem Growth Capital
* Carpet & Rug Institute
* Carrefour Group
* Cascades
* Catalytic Technology Management Limited
* Cathay Pacific
* Catholic Super
* Catlin Group
* Cedarvue Partners
* Cementos Portland
* Cemex
* Centrica
* Centroflora Group
* Change
* Change2
* Channel Island Ceramics
* Chartered Insurance Institute
* Chartis
* Chase Environmental Services
* Chervon
* Chime Communications
* Choco Deux
* Circadian Solar
* Cisco
* Cision UK Ltd
* Cittaideale
* City of Bergen
* Clarity International
* Clean Energy Council (Australia)
* ClearlySo
* Climate Change Capital
* ClimateCHECK
* Climate Friendly
* Climate Neutral Group
* ClimatePartner Deutschland GmbH
* Climate Wedge
* CloudApps
* Clouston Energy Research LLP
* Clownfish Marketing
* CLP Holdings
* Clyde Agriculture
* Coca-Cola Company
* Coca-Cola Enterprises
* Coca-Cola Hellenic
* Coca-Cola Icecek
* Coethica
* Coloplast A/S
* Comette Consulting
* Compania De Minas Beunventura
* Compass Group PLC
* CONCORDIA Versicherungsgruppe
* Connection Research
* Connective Worldgroup Southeastern Europe
* Connexxion
* Conseil des Enterprises de Services
* Conseil des Enterprises de Services Environnementaux
* Copagaz Distribuidora de Gás Ltda
* CorporateLeaders
* Corporate Responsibility Interface Centre
* Coteba
* Council for Environmental Protection of Slovenia
* Counterpoint
* CPFL Energia
* Craftsman Group of Companies
* Credicorp
* Credit360
* Creditos Ambientais
* Crown Energy
* Crown Oil
* Crystal Martin International Ltd
* CSL Group
* CSO Technik
* CSR Asia
* CSR Bangladesh
* CTG Advisory Services India Pvt. Ltd.
* Dairy Crest
* Dalehead Foods
* Danisco
* Danone
* Danske Bank Group
* Danze, Inc. / Gerber Plumbing Fixtures, LLC
* Darnton EGS
* Dartmouth Wave Energy
* Davis Langdon LLP
* De Beers
* Deloitte
* Delta Aerospace
* Delta-Eco
* Delta Lloyd Groep
* Delta Trade and Consultancy
* Delyte Holding AG
* Design Advantage
* Deutsche Bank AG
* Deutsche Post DHL
* Deutsche Telekom
* Devgiri Exports
* Dewey & LeBoeuf (Pty) Ltd
* Dexia Asset Management
* DHV Group
* Diageo
* Digital Dots Limited
* DLA Piper
* Domtar Corporation
* DONG Energy
* Dongguan Wonderful Ceramic Company
* Doosan Babcock
* Douglas-fir Association of NZ
* DP World
* Dragonair
* DTZ Holdings plc.
* Duchy Originals
* Dynamic50 Ltd
* EADS Astrium
* Earth Capital Partners
* Earth Systems Consulting
* Earthcare Products
* easyJet plc
* eBay Inc.
* E&A Ingenieros
* EC Group
* Eco 3
* Eco Conservation Initiatives
* Ecofin
* Eco-Frontier
* Ecosecurities
* Ecosoft
* Eco-TIRAS International Environmental Association of River Keepers
* Ecovadis
* Ecoverde
* Eczacibasi Group
* Eden Ventures
* EDF Energy
* Edinburgh International Conference Centre
* Edison
* Edit Optimisation
* EDP – Energias do Brasil
* eFiling Cabinet For Dummies-Org-Matters Software Inc.
* Eight Wild Geese LLP
* Elcogas
* Embercombe
* Emiliana Vineyard
* Enagri Limited
* EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
* Endesa
* Enel Spa
* Energetics
* Energy Resources Management
* Enval Limited
* Environment Business Australia
* Environmental Academy Ltd
* Environmental Capital Group
* Environmental Investments & Partners
* Environmental Population
* Enviros Consulting
* EnviroSense CC
* Envirotech
* E.ON UK plc
* equiiva Pty Ltd
* Ericsson
* Ernst & Young Global
* Estrategias Nacionais
* Etex Group
* Eureka Fund Management
* EuroCharity
* Euro Link Hardware Ltd
* e5 – European Business Council for Sustainable Energy
* Eurostar
* Everflourish Electrical Co Ltd
* ewo GmbH
* Exponentia
* F&C Asset Management
* F.Hoffman-La Roche Ltd
* Fairmont Hotels & Resorts
* Fairware Promotional Products
* Famossul Movies S/A
* Fargo Group
* Ferrovial
* Fill Your Own Inc
* Firmenich
* First Carbon
* FirstGroup plc
* Five Winds International
* Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas
* Forest Products Association of Canada
* Forest Stewardship Council Canada
* ForestWorld LLC
* Fortis Bank Nederland
* Foster Health Inc
* Fotile
* Four Corners Group
* Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts
* France Telecom
* Freetel Capital
* Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP
* Fresnillo
* Friends Provident Group plc
* Friesland Bank NV
* Fuji Xerox Singapore Pte Ltd
* Fujitsu
* Fulcrum Asia
* Futurescape Netcom Pvt. Ltd.
* Fujitsu Australia Limited
* Garenne Group
* Gavel & Gown Software Inc
* G2 Events
* Gamesa Corporación Tecnológica. S.A.
* Gap Inc
* GD Midea Environment Appliance Manufacturer
* GFA Consulting Group
* General Electric
* Gender & Energy Research and Training
* General Group – GD Group Ltd
* Generation Investment Managment LLP
* Genesis Facility
* Genomatica
* Gentoo Gorup
* Geseco Group Ltd
* Giagni
* Glen Dimplex Home Appliances
* Global Carbon BV
* Global Image Management
* Global Pet Food Stores Inc.
* Global Solutions Initiative
* Globescan Incorporated
* GlobLinc LLC
* Golder Associates Corporation
* GoodEarth
* Good Vision
* GOPA Consultants
* Gordon Muray Design Limited
* Gotham Metro Studios, Inc.
* Grace News Inc
* Graham A Brown & Associates
* Grassroots Inc
* Greater Toronto Airports Authority
* Green Add+
* Green Books Ltd
* GreenCollar Group
* Green Enterprise Toronto
* Greenfleet
* Greengold Ltd
* Green Lead Hosting
* Greenloop
* Green Light Trust
* Green Living
* Green Power Action Inc.
* Green Shake Inc.
* Greenware Ltd
* Grontmij | Carl Bro A/S
* Groupe Aeroplan
* Groupe Daoust/Forget Inc.
* Group Five Limited
* Grundfos
* Grupo Orsa
* Grupo SOS
* Guardian Media Group
* Guernsey Chamber of Commerce
* Guernsey Glass & Window Co Ltd
* Gull Group
* GVA Grimley
* H&M
* Halcrow Group Limited
* Hang Lung Properties
* Hang Seng Bank
* Hangzhou Great Star Industrial Co., Ltd.
* Hara
* Harbourfont Centre
* Hariera Inc.
* Harrison Salmon Associates
* Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
* HelioSphera SA
* Hellenic Network for CSR
* Hemlock Printers Ltd.
* Henderson Global Investors
* Hermes Investment Group
* HESTA Super Fund
* Hewlett Packard
* HFL Sport Science
* Hiscox
* Hoare Lea
* Hollard
* Holmen AB
* Holmes Partnership
* Horizon Capital Holdings
* Horizon Recycling
* Howden
* HSBC Holdings plc
* Humboldt International Co., Ltd.
* Hyder Consulting
* Hydro Asphalt Technologies
* Iberdrola
* ICQ Holdings
* Idealab
* If P&C
* IFCfeed Limited
* IG Partners
* IKEA Group
* impactChoice
* Impres
* IMS Consulting
* Incisive Media
* Indesit
* Index-IBL
* Indian Merchants’ Chamber
* Indigo Books & Music Inc.
* Industrial Investors Group
* Infosys Technologies Ltd
* Infrastrutture SpA
* ING Belgium
* ING Group
* Inheritance India Land Conservation Co P Ltd
* Innocent Drinks
* Insight Investment Management
* Institute for Sustainable Communication (ISC)
* Insurance Australia Group
* Integration City (International) Co., Ltd.
* Intellectual Capital Sweden
* Interactive Africa
* Interamerican Hellenic Life Insurance Company S.A.
* Interchange Solutions
* Interface, Inc.
* International Asset Monitor
* International Crops Research Institute
* International Sponsor Council
* Interstar Pigment Admixture & Fibers
* Invensys
* Investor Group on Climate Change
* IOI Corporation Berhad
* Island Coachways Limited
* ITC Limited
* ITEC Central Johannesburg Pty Ltd
* J Sainsburys
* Jagged Horizons Ltd
* James Finlay Limited
* Jardim Botanico Investimentos
* Jebsen & Co
* John Lewis Partnership
* John Ploughman Associates Limited
* John Swire & Sons Pty Ltd
* Johnson & Johnson
* Johnson Controls
* Johnson Matthey
* Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated
* John Stebbing Architect Ltd
* Junxion Strategy
* Jupiter
* Kalari
* Kalpana International
* KBC Group
* Kemp Strang
* Kendrick Rose
* Kevin L. Erwin Consulting Ecologist, Inc.
* Kingfisher Group
* K J Textiles International
* Klabin S. A.
* Klimaktiv gGmbH
* Kodak
* Koenig & Bauer AG (KBA)
* Kone Elevators
* Koninklijke Ahold NV
* KPMG International
* Kraft Foods Global, Inc.
* Kutadgu Communication Consulting Ltd
* Landsbankinn
* Lazam MDS Insurance Brokers
* Lee Ah Sheng Enterprise Co., Ltd.
* Legal & General Group
* Legrand Group
* Lemnis Lighting
* Lend Lease Corporation Ltd
* Levi Strauss & Co.
* LF Europe
* Lifestyle 3.0 Consulting
* Limelight Event Marketing
* Limousine Environmental Action Partners, LLC
* Linfox
* Lloyd’s
* Lloyds Banking Group
* Logica
* London Stock Exchnage
* L.Opt BR Sustainable Supply Chain Consultants
* LoyaltyOne Inc.
* LPR – Logistic Packaging Return
* Lucita
* M&S
* Macquarie Group Limited
* Mägi Kraavi & Partnerid
* Magliano S/A CCVM
* Makita (UK) Ltd
* Malaga Corp.
* Manchester Airports Group
* Manidis Roberts
* Manasc Isaac
* MAR Assessoria Ambiental e Internacional
* Marketing Incentives Ltd
* Marks and Spencer
* Martin & Co (Wrexham)
* Martineau
* Martins Comércio e Serviços de Distribuição S/A
* Masisa
* McLaughlin & Harvey
* MCM Architecture Ltd
* Mediterranean Center for Sustainable Development Programs
* Melco International Development Limited
* METIS Global Awareness Network
* Metro de Madrid
* Metro Group
* Metrogas
* Mibanco
* Microgeneration Ltd
* Ministry of the Environment (Czech Republic)
* Mirvac
* mixcoach networks
* Moava
* Mobilink
* Momentum Services
* Morgan Sindall
* Motor Oil (Hellas)
* Mouchel
* Mountain Equipment Coop
* MPCEE Operating Group
* MRC McLean Hazel
* MTN (Mobile Telephone Networks) Ltd
* Multiform fasteners
* Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Company in Warsaw
* My Generation – Green Energy
* mySmart Pty Ltd
* National Australia Bank Limited
* National Commission for Human Development
* National Express
* National Grid
* Nationwide Fuels
* Natura Cosmeticos
* NedBank Ltd
* Neste Oil Corporation
* Nestle
* Net Balance
* Network Rail
* NeVo Consulting
* New Forests
* NHS Sustainable Development Unit
* Nice & Serious
* Nike
* NIPPONKOA Insurance Company
* Norbord Europe
* Nordic Sugar A/S
* Norsk Hydro ASA
* Northumbrian Water
* Novartia PLC
* Novartis
* Novo Nordisk A/S
* Novozymes A/S
* NPM Capital NV
* NSG Group
* Object Consulting
* O’Boticário
* Ocean Electric Power
* Oeco Capital Lebenversicherung
* O’Kane Poultry
* Old Mutual
* Open Cast IT
* Opportunity Links
* Orascom Telecom Holding S.A.E
* Organise This
* Oriental Software Private Limited
* Otto Group
* Oxsensis
* Ozone
* P&O Ferrymasters Ltd
* Pacific GPS
* Pacific Risk Advisors
* Palmasola SA – Madeiras e Agricultura
* Pamoja Capital
* Papier Union GmBH
* Parhelion Underwriting Ltd
* ParticipACTION
* Pearson
* Pell Frischmann
* PepsiCo
* Perstorp Group
* Philips Lighting
* Pick Everard
* Pick n Pay
* Pinpoint Earth
* Pirelli Tyre & Parts
* pitt&sherry
* PJH Gorup
* Plantstone
* Positive Impact
* powerPerfector
* PR Society of Indonesia
* Prashant Enterprises
* Precious Woods Amazon
* Pre-think
* PricewaterhouseCoopers
* PrintCity GmbH & Co KG
* Pro Adventure Ltd
* Procter & Gamble
* Produce World
* PROKON Software Consultants
* Pryor Consulting Services Chile S.A.
* PSA Peugeot Citroën
* PsykologByrån Kalmar
* PT Green Planet Indonesia
* Q Solar Pty Ltd
* Quarmby Construction Company Ltd
* Quebec Business Council for the Environment
* Rabbit Films Ltd.
* Rabobank Nederland
* Ramboll
* Ramco International
* Randstad Belgium&Luxemburg
* Reckitt Benckiser Group
* Red Eléctrica de España, S.A.U.
* Redd Forests Pty Ltd
* Reed Elsevier
* Reegen
* Regen SW
* Remeka AB
* Renewable & Appropriate Energy Lab
* RenSMART Limited
* Report Comunicação
* Repsol YPF S.A.
* RESCo Energy Inc.
* Research In Motion Limited
* RESEAU environnement
* ResponseAbility Alliance
* Reverse Vending Corporation
* Reynaers Aluminium
* Rezayat Group
* Richard Davies Investor Relations
* Richmond Cavendish
* Ricoh Company Ltd
* Ridgeons Ltd
* Rio Tinto
* Risk Management Solutions
* RM
* R.M. Associates
* Robeco
* Robert Bosch GmbH
* Robert W Le Page Architects & Chartered Surveyors
* Rolls-Royce
* Ronseal Limited
* Rosy Blue NV
* Rouse
* Royal Bank of Canada
* Royal Bank of Scotland Group
* Royal Dutch Shell plc
* Royal McGoun
* RS Law & Society Consulting BV
* RWE npower
* Ryobi Technologies (UK) Ltd (TTI UK)
* Sabanci Holding
* Saint-Gobain (UK, Ireland, and South Africa)
* Sancon Resources Recovery
* Sanlam
* Santam
* Santo Antonio Energia
* Sappi
* SaVita Solar
* SC Johnson & Son, Inc.
* Schiphol Group
* Schneider-Electric
* Schroders
* Schüco International
* Scotiabank
* Scottish & Southern Energy
* ScottishPower
* Scurr & Partners Limited
* SD Worx
* Seventh Generation
* Shanghai ACE R&E
* Shanghai CIMIC Tile Co.,Ltd
* Shanghai Electric Windpower Equipment CO.,Ltd.
* Sharda Exports
* Shirlaws
* Siemens
* Sigma Global
* Silvapar S.A.
* Sinyih Ceramic (China)
* Siyenza Management
* Six Degree People
* SJEC Corporation
* Skanska
* SKM (Sinclair Knight Merz)
* Smartly Green
* Smith of Derby Ltd
* SNS Asset Management
* Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands
* Sofsync Limited
* Sogreah
* Solar Communications
* Sol Melia Hotels & Resorts
* SolAbility
* Solarcentury
* SolarGren Media
* Solid Waste Technologies SA (Pty) Ltd
* Solstice Sustainability Works Inc.
* Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications
* Sophos Plc
* Southern Copper – Southern Peru
* Southgate Green
* Spier
* Spirax-Sarco Engineering PLC
* Sputnik International Movers Ltd
* Stagecoach Group plc
* Standard Chartered
* Standard Life
* Starbucks Coffee Company
* Statoil
* Steamships Trading Company Limited
* Stehlik Cosmetics Ltd
* Steria
* Stonyfield Farm
* Stormberg AS
* Suchen
* Sun Microsystems
* Sunglow Finance
* SunGard
* Sunley Holdings
* Suntech Power
* SustainAbility Ltd.
* Sustainability Learning Institute Australia
* Sustainable Opportunities Ltd
* SustainAsia Ltd.
* Sustainable Aviation
* Sustainable Development Capital
* Sustainable Finance
* Sustainable Resources Group
* Swift sc
* Swire Cold Storage
* Swire Industrial Services
* Swire Pacific
* Swiss Re
* Sylphen GmbH & Co. KG
* Symantec
* SynTao
* Tamkeen International
* Tate Consulting
* Taylor Young
* Technilink IT Limited
* TechnoCarbonTechnologies GbR
* Technorm Inc.
* Tech-Tool Sourcing Co. Ltd
* Telecom Italia
* Telefonica O2 UK
* Telefonica SA
* Telenor Group
* Telstra Corporation Limited
* Tendris Holding
* Tescos
* Thames Water Utilities Ltd.
* The Ad Agency
* The Body Shop
* The Children’s Investment Fund Management (UK) LLP
* The Co-operative Group
* The Co-operators Group Ltd.
* The Duha Group
* The FA Group
* The Future Makers Pty Ltd
* The Havebury Housing Partnership
* The Kroger Co.
* The Mundy Group Ltd
* The National Trust
* The Natural Step Canada
* The Olive Consultancy
* The Royal Academy of Engineering
* The Ryzex Group
* The Sustainability Advantage
* Thomson Reuters
* Timberland
* Timbmet
* TNEI Services
* Tomra Systems
* Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
* TPIZ Resources Ltd.
* traffic marketing + design inc.
* TrygVesta
* Turner Broadcasting Systems Europe Limited
* Turner & Townsend
* TYF Group
* Uhai Media (Pty) Ltd
* Umicore
* Unilever
* United Technologies Corporation
* United Utilities
* Unternehmensberatung Dipl. Ing
* Upgrade Productions Ltd.
* USST Holdings, Inc.
* UTES-UK&Turkey Environment Society
* Vale
* Valentin Software, Inc.
* Vancity
* Vattenfall
* Ventus Development Services Inc.
* Verteego
* Vertis Environmental Finance Ltd
* Vineyard/Townhouse/Ouwe Werf Group
* Virgin Group
* Visão Sustentável
* Vodafone Group
* V.Ships
* Warner Bros. Entertainment UK
* Wasteman Group
* Waste Plan
* Water Pik Inc.
* Watters Environmental Group
* Waugh Thistleton Architect
* Webmantra Creations Pvt. Ltd.
* Westpac Group
* Westport Innovations
* Whitmar Publications Ltd
* Whole Space Industries
* Wildfire Pro
* Wildlife Works
* William Pollard & Co. Ltd
* Willmott Dixon Ltd.
* WI Windinvest GmbH
* Woodco
* Woolworths Limited
* Woolworths South Africa
* Woongjin Group
* World Green Building Council
* WSP Environment & Energy
* X2 Connect Limited
* Xiamen Lota International Co., Ltd
* Yahoo! Inc.
* Ybios SA
* YTL Corporation Berhad
* Zephyr Investment Management
* Zero Carbon Inc.
* Zerofootprint
* Zero One Engineering
* Zero Waste Solutions
* Zisman Bowyer & Partners LLP