Vehicle-to-Grid Power: Challenges and Opportunities

The 2nd Edition of Vehicle-to-Grid Power: Challenges and Opportunities is a 35-page report which seeks to pull together information on the current status of V2G power into a comprehensive overview to provide a high level understanding of the business opportunities and challenges of V2G.

High gas prices, carbon constraints, fuel economy standards, and the desire for energy independence are pushing the development of electric vehicles (EDVs). Rather than being a burden to the electric industry, millions of EDVs could be a blessing by providing important ancillary services, peaking power, and even energy storage for wind power plants.

In order to be prepared to take advantage of V2G, this report seeks to provide readers with an understanding of the potential amount of capacity and energy V2G can provide to the grid, the options the industry can use to harness these capabilities, and the decisions that need to be made now to encourage V2G development and ensure its potential is maximized.

Vehicle-to-Grid Power: Challenges and Opportunities provides industry participants with an understanding of V2G and its potential for positively impacting electricity markets.

Topics covered in the report include:
* Explanation of how EDVs can be used to provide power to or receive power from the grid
* Analysis of the basic infrastructure requirements necessary for V2G to be implemented
* Evaluation of the different functions that V2G can provide
* Discussion of the factors that limit the capacity and energy delivered by V2G
* Analysis of the business opportunities available for V2G
* Identification of the services that V2G can provide and the different business models that can be used
* Analysis of the economics of V2G
* Discussion of how V2G can help expand the amount of wind power on the grid
* Evaluation of the challenges which may hinder the commercialization of V2G
* Profiles of key V2G trials and demonstration projects

Key Topics Covered:
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Overview of V2G Power
* What is V2G?
* Types of EDVs
* Basic Requirements for V2G
* Functions that V2G can Provide
* Factors Limiting V2G Power Capacity
V2G Business Opportunities
* Major Services V2G Power can Provide
* Business Models for V2G Power
The Economics of V2G
* IIASA Study
* University of Delaware Study
Using V2G to Support the Expansion of Wind Power
Making V2G a Reality
* V2G Deployment Issues
* Bringing V2G to Market
Key V2G Trials and Demonstrations
* Austin Energy
* eTec
* Germany
* MAGIC Consortium
* Pacific Gas & Electric
* Southern California Edison
* University of Michigan
* Xcel Energy