Un equipo de investigadores de la Universidad de Michigan, en Estados Unidos, está estudiando la posibilidad de convertir los vehículos eléctricos en unidades de almacenamiento que venderían la electricidad a la red.
Continue readingMonthly Archives: February 2010
Lake Country Wind Energy Nears 25,000 Acres For 340 MW Wind Power Project
Lake Country Wind Energy announces that it has secured nearly 25,000 acres for the development of its 340 megawatt community owned wind farm in Meeker and Kandiyohi Counties, Minnesota.
Continue readingT-Solar and Solarpack Will Sell 173 GWh a Year of Photovoltaic Solar Energy to the Government of Peru for 20 Years
Both Companies Will be Jointly Developing Four Photovoltaic Plants With a Total Installed Capacity of 80 MW.
Continue readingEnel y Endesa crean METERS AND MORE
La organización internacional sin ánimo de lucro METERS AND MORE se ocupará de gestionar la tecnología de comunicación y el protocolo de nueva generación del mismo nombre.
Continue readingPaula Fernández: ?la política energética de Castilla-La Mancha consolida un modelo de desarrollo basado en las Energías Renovables?
El cumplimiento de este objetivo está garantizado con la instalación de la potencia eléctrica prevista. En concreto, ha anunciado la consejera, ?en potencia eólica llegaremos a superar los 4.000 megavatios”.
Continue readingEnel and Endesa create ?METERS AND MORE?
Working synergically together with Enel to bring the most from these advanced technologies, Endesa will begin a first controlled replacement of its electro-mechanical meters with the new smart meters in 2010.
Continue readingESB: 230,000 electric vehicles on Irish roads by 2020
The ESB believe there should be 230,000 electric cars on Irish roads by 2020 with significant work on the introduction of recharging points to take place this year.
Continue readingU.S. Wind Resource Even Larger Than Previously Estimated
The potential capacity of America?s onshore wind resource is over 10,000 gigawatts (GW). The U.S. is barely tapping this vast resource: current wind installed capacity is 35 GW in the U.S. and 158 GW world-wide.
Continue readingThe latest state wind power resource numbers By Chris Madison (AWEA)
Onshore U.S. wind resources could generate nearly 37,000,000 gigawatt- hours (GWh) annually, more than nine times the current U.S. electricity consumption, and 10.458.945 MW.
Continue readingClipper Windpower Announces Groundbreaking for Offshore Wind Blade Factory
Clipper Windpower Marine Limited, a fully owned subsidiary of Clipper Windpower, Inc. (?Clipper?) announced the groundbreaking of its offshore wind turbine blade manufacturing facility in Neptune Estate, Tyne, UK.
Continue readingWind farm Nimby group is accused of ?falsehoods?
A VALE protest group set up to oppose plans for a wind farm in The Lenches has been accused of ?spreading rumours and falsehoods?.
Continue readingCar Sharing: Driving the Way to a Greener Future
As the population swells and clusters increasingly in urban centers, appetites for personal convenience surge and the environment suffers.
Continue readingBuilding a National Clean-Energy Smart Grid By Bracken Hendricks
The Center for American Progress published a report on the urgent need to build a national clean-energy smart grid to power an innovative, low-carbon economy that combats global warming and creates millions of good jobs.
Continue readingSmarter Grids, Appliances, and Consumers By Lester R. Brown
The new grid would link regions rich in wind energy, solar, and geothermal energy with consumption centers. A national grid, drawing on a full range of renewable energy sources, would itself be a stabilizing factor
Continue readingOpel Flextreme GT/E
El concepto Flextreme GT/E es el siguiente paso lógico en la estrategia revelada por Opel de electrificación del automóvil, en la que se incluye una amplia gama de productos que utilizarán las tecnologías de baterías.
Continue readingFederal Recovery Funds Make Three Large-Scale Wind Power Projects Possible
Pennsylvania Governor Rendell: Federal Recovery Funds Make Three Large-Scale Wind Projects Possible, Bring Gamesa Employees Back to Work Filling Orders.
Continue readingEVCARCO Initiates Market and Sales for the electric vehicles TAZZARI ZERO
EVCARCO (OTCBB: EVCA) Initiates Market and Sales Plan for the TAZZARI ZERO, the World’s First Italian All Electric Premium Roadster Lands in America.
Continue readingAllegiance Capital Facilitates Development Agreements Between Energos and Two Texas Wind Farms
Energos will provide “greenfield” development capital and development services to Caprock Wind and Peak Wind, L.L.C. for wind energy projects slated to deliver approximately 200 megawatts of power each.
Continue readingBudaSolar wins first phase of 1 GW turnkey thin film complex in Dalian, China
China City Investments Limited signed contract with BudaSolar Technologies Co. Ltd. (BudaSolar) as technology provider for the turnkey delivery of production lines at the capacity of 85 MWp/year using Silicon based thin film PV technology.
Continue readingLi-ion Motors delivered its first all-electric mini cooper ?The Flash? to Abu Dhabi
Li-ion Motors Corp. (OTCBB:LMCO) has delivered its first all-electric mini cooper ?The Flash? to Abu Dhabi on February 9, 2010.
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