P2 Solar, Inc. (OTCBB: PTOS) (the “Company”) is proud to announce that it entered into a Letter of Intent with South Korean EPC, OSolar.
Continue readingMonthly Archives: February 2010
T-Solar and Solarpack to build 80 MW of solar PV projects in Peru
T-Solar and Solarpack have signed an agreement with the government of Peru to build 80MW of photovoltaic power plants in the southern part of the country.
Continue readingOrissa (India) approves solar power projects of 230 MW
It included two solar thermal power plants with a combined generation capacity of 125 MW.
Continue readingAyamonte contará con un parque eólico de 26 megavatios
El parque eólico Ayamonte, que promueve la empresa Capital Energy Andalucía S.L.U. contará con un total de 13 aerogeneradores, que irán montados en torres de 80, 95 y 105 metros de altura, y con una potencia de 26 MW.
Continue readingCRSP Funds 10 New Advanced Solar Research Projects
The Center for Revolutionary Solar Photoconversion (CRSP) has funded 10 advanced solar research projects totaling $800,000 ? its second round of Shared Research Program funding.
Continue readingLos Andes tiene el aerogenerador a mayor altura
Emplazado a 4.110 metros sobre el nivel del mar, el aerogenerador forma parte de la mina Veladero, yacimiento vecino al proyecto aurífero chileno-argentino Pascua-Lama.
Continue readingSan Francisco Prepare for Life With the Electric Car
If electric vehicles have any future in the United States, San Fransico may be the city where they arrive first.
Continue readingAmy Goodman: Obama’s nuclear power dream is a nightmare
President Barack Obama is going nuclear. He announced the initial $8 billion in loan guarantees for construction of the first new nuclear power plants in the United States in close to three decades.
Continue readingLa opción nuclear de Obama por Amy Goodman
La energía nuclear es increíblemente cara. Los costes han subido enmormemente en los últimos tiempos. Es la peor alternativa al cambio climático.
Continue readingSaft Energy Storage System to Support Caribbean Island of Bonaire Power Grid in Switch to Wind Power Generation
The World’s Largest Hybrid Wind power / Diesel Project on the Island of Bonaire Will Rely on Saft’s 3 MW Energy Storage System for Backup Power to Ensure Grid Stability and Continuity of Supply.
Continue readingIndonesia’s renewable energy sources not being used
The exploitation of wind energy in Indonesia only reached 1.1 megawatt out of 9,290 MW potentials
Continue readingVehicle-to-grid (V2G): Electric cars on a two-way street?
The electric car?s potential to store electricity from the wind energy or solar power, or even feed electricity back into the grid, earning money for the owner.
Continue readingKyocera Achieves 16.6% Efficiency with Polycrystalline Solar Modules
The Japanese technology corporation Kyocera has achieved an efficiency of 16.6 per cent with polycrystalline solar modules. This success is the result of Kyocerafs proprietary back-contact technology.
Continue readingCongressional Act Calls for 10 Million New Solar Roofs
The bill aims to get 10 million solar roofs and 200,000 solar heaters up and running, producing a total of 30,000 megawatts over the next 10 years.
Continue readingPhotovoltaic market is expected to grow from 5.8 GW to 38 GW by 2015
The market for advanced chemicals and materials used in photovoltaic solar cells and modules will grow 27% to reach $3.1 billion in 2010 and approximately $15 billion by 2015.
Continue readingBelwind wind farm?s monopiles installed in Belgium
On 5 February Van Oord installed the last of 56 monopiles on the Belwind offshore wind energy project off the coast of Belgium.
Continue readingSiemens Installs its 1,000th Wind Turbine in the UK
Siemens has installed its 1,000th wind turbine in the UK at the Gunfleet Sands wind farm off the coast of Essex.
Continue readingClipper Windpower: Factory for 10 MW wind turbines set to open in UK
Clipper Windpower Marine Limited announced the groundbreaking of its offshore wind turbine blade manufacturing facility at the Shepherd Offshore Renewable Energy Park in Newcastle.
Continue readingConectores para vehículos eléctricos por Jesús Moreno (SCAME)
Transporte eléctrico es sinónimo de fin de la contaminación atmosférica y mejora de la calidad de vida. Asumiendo este reto, SCAME ha diseñado nuevos conectores para vehículos y estaciones de recarga.
Continue readingAt siting workshop, information is the coin of the realm By Chris Madison (AWEA)
At AWEA?s Project Siting Workshop held this week here in Denver, more than 350 attendees learned, for example, about the Air Force?s willingness to work with the wind power industry to resolve conflicts.
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