The European Council has fixed the goal of 20% of total energy to be generated from renewable sources by 2020. This target is binding also for Italy, whose installed wind power capacity is approximately 4,850 MW. The necessity of providing a further impetus to the wind power market in the country has led to the incorporation of Falck Renewables Italia Srl.
The company is developing a portfolio of wind farms totaling over 300 MW, either directly or in association with local partners. The majority of these projects are in the south including the regions of Sicily, Sardinia and Calabria.
Given Italy’s limited mini hydro development potential and relatively modest wind resources, price supports are required to encourage renewables development. A green certificate programme (Certificate Verde or CV) has been established which requires generators and importers of conventional power to purchase CVs equivalent to a (growing) portion of their total generation/imports.
It is Falck’s intent to own and operate the Italian wind farms for the life of the project. As such, Falck’s interests are very much aligned with the local land owners as well as all level of government including the municipalities (communes), provinces, regions and the central government.
Buddusò – Alà dei Sardi
Current status : Under costruction, expected completion in phases until 2011
Location : Alà dei Sardi-Buddusò, Sardinia, ITALY
Number of wind turbines : 69
Expected capacity : 138 MW
The amount of clean energy produced annually is the equivalent to the energy consumed by: 125,000
Amount of CO2 saved : 175,000 tonnes
Planning authority : Regione Sardegna
Project manager : Giovanni Trombetti
The Buddusò – Alà dei Sardi wind farm is located in Sardinia in a well known windy area, in the municipalities of Buddusò and Alà dei Sardi in the Olbia/Tempio Pausania. The wind farm will extend across a plateau that is aligned approximately southwest-northeast. The elevation of the site ranges between 700 m and 1000 m.
Following detailed monitoring of the wind resource, electrical connection studies, environmental studies and the impact on local communities, Buddusò – Alà dei Sardi was recognized as one of the best locations in Italy for a wind farm. After carrying out extensive environmental assessment work, The Regione Sardegna (Assessorato alla Difesa dell’Ambiente) issued a positive VIA (Environmental Impact Valuation) in March 2007. This authorization, in addition to all the other permits that the project has received, makes the wind farm fully authorized and ready for construction. Unfortunately, the Regione Sardegna has delayed the start of construction while it seeks to clarify its overall development policies.
When completed, the wind farm will have 69 wind turbines. Each wind turbine will be 90 m high from its base to the highest point of its blade. When the wind farm is operating fully it will generate over 300 GWh per year of green electricity, displacing up to 175,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide annually which would otherwise have been produced by a power station burning fossil fuel.
The wind farm is owned by GeoPower Sardegna Srl., which is jointly owned by Falck Renewables Ltd and the project’s developer GeoPower. The connection point will be built directly by Enel Distribuzione outside the LSTK EPC Contract, under another contract in accordance with TERNA and GRTN specifications.
Minervino Murge
Current status : Wind farm in operation since March 2009
Location : Minervino Murge, Puglia, ITALY
Number of turbines : 26 wind turbines
Expected capacity : 52 MW
The amount of clean energy produced annually is the equivalent to the energy consumed by: 40,000 households
Amount of CO2 saved : 55,000 tones of CO2
Planning authority : Regione Puglia, Assessorato Sviluppo Economico, Ufficio Industrie Energetiche
Project manager : Filippo Marchi
Minervino Murge wind farm is located in Puglia, approximately 70 km west of Bari. The proposed wind farm is on a rolling plateau at an elevation between 500 m and 600 m and provides easy site access.
Following detailed monitoring of the wind resource, electrical connection studies, environmental studies and the impact on local communities, Minervino Murge was recognized as an ideal location for a wind farm. After carrying out extensive environmental assessment work, The Regione Puglia has permitted the construction of the wind farm through an “Autorizzazione Unica” in March 2007. The wind farm has been completed on December 2008 and now it is in operation.
When completed, the wind farm will have 26 turbines. Each turbine will be 125 m high from its base to the highest point of its blade. When the wind farm is operating fully it will generate enough clean, green electricity to supply around 40,000 homes and help reduce reliance on existing less environmentally-friendly energy resources.
The wind farm is owned by Eolo 3W Minervino Murge (EOLO) which is a subsidiary of Minervento Spa
In December 2008, the ‘project financing’ contract has been executed with a pool of international lending institutions.
Petralia Sottana
Current status : Expected completion date: in construction
Location : Petralia Sottana, Sicily, ITALY
Number of turbines : 32 turbines
Expected capacity : 27.2 MW
The amount of clean energy produced annually is the equivalent to the energy consumed by: 16,000 households
Amount of CO2 saved : 25,000 Tonnes saved p.a.
Planning authority : Regione Sicilia, Assessorato Industria, Dipartimento Regionale dell’Industria
Project manager : Pierluigi Filizzola
The wind farm will comprise of up to 32 turbines, each having a three bladed rotor of 58 m in diameter, supported on a tapered cylindrical tower of 65 m. Rated output from each turbine will be between 800 and 850 kW.
Sicily is one of the best regions in Italy to install wind farms due to the high wind resources and site accessibility. Petralia Sottana is no exception to this rule, with a predicted long term mean wind speed at each turbine location of 6.4 m/s and easy access, making it a very appealing project.
After carrying out extensive environmental assessment work, The Regione Sicilia has permitted the construction of the wind farm through an “Autorizzazione Unica”.
The wind farm will comprise 32 turbines, with a mix of 52 and 58 m rotor diameters, supported on a tapered cylindrical tower of 65 m. Rated output from each turbine will be 850KW.
The wind farm is owned by Eolica Petralia srl. A company fully owned by Falck Renewables Plc.
The project financing is under negotiation.
San Sostene
Current status : Phase 1 completed, phase 2 under construction
Location : Calabria, ITALY
Number of turbines : 28 (phase 1) plus 15 (phase 2)
Expected capacity : maximum of 80 MW
The amount of clean energy produced annually is the equivalent to the energy consumed by: 70,000
Amount of CO2 saved : 100,000 tonnes
Planning authority : Regione Calabria
Project manager : Davide Piazza
The San Sostene wind farm is located int he Commune of San Sostene in Calabria, Catanzaro province. The project will extend across a mountainous region owned by the municipality. Part of the land is covered by conifer and hard wood forests. The elevation of the site range from 900 m to 1,200 m. The total installed capacity will be 80 MW.
San Sostene is a very attractive location for a wind farm, due to its particularly windy location. After carrying out extensive environmental assessment work, the Regione Calabria has issued the ‘Autorizzazione Unica’, followed by the ‘building permit’ by the Municipality of San Sostene.
Construction works begun at the beginning of 2008, and the first phase of the operation in October 2009. A second phase of development, bases on 15 turbines produced by Nordex, is in progress. Electrical works and interconnection to national grid have been performed y Siemens.
The project is owned by Eolica Sud, a company fully controlled by Falck Renewables Plc.