The first few wind turbines are to be delivered and installed this autumn, with the entire 30 MW wind farm to go on line by mid 2011.
The wind farm is located close to the coast in North Greece, where wind speeds of 7 meters a second prevail. The “high-speed” wind turbine versions will be generating an annual yield of 66,000 megawatt/hours, sufficient to supply 14,500 households with electricity while avoiding emissions of more than 65,000 tons of carbon dioxide.
What is more, the delivery contract includes five-year premium service. The customer will be executing the infrastructure preparations itself.
At the beginning of 2010, the number of Nordex wind turbines installed around the world since 1985 passed the 4,000 mark. Of the globally installed nominal output of 5.67 GW, some 52% is accounted for by the multi-megawatt class, which was launched in 2000.
Their third generation of the 2.5 MW series, the Gamma Generation, combines the latest research and development with technical know-how and experience from a decade of operation to meet today’s market requirements. The Gamma Generation sets new standards for yield, availability, ease of service, quality, delivery and installation time and grid compliance.