Renault-Nissan Alliance partners with Australian Capital Territory for electric vehicles

The two organizations have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) under which a working team of representatives from the ACT Government and Nissan will identify potential areas of co-operation in promoting the use of electric vehicles in the Territory.

"Today, Nissan is proud to partner with the ACT Government through the signing of this MOU," said Dan Thompson, Nissan Australia CEO. "Technology for zero emissions mobility is a reality and we are prepared to proactively explore ways to bringing this technology to the market with collaboration from the government. "

"Our company is leading the world in the design and production of a lithium ion batteries-powered family-sized electric car and we aim to have this electric vehicle on sale in Australia by 2012. Today’s announcement of the signing of a strategic MoU with the ACT Government brings that reality closer," Thompson continued.

"The Nissan organization recognizes the importance of sustainability by limiting CO2 emissions and we are ready and able to partner governments in pursuing that role."

"The MoU we have signed with the Renault-Nissan Alliance will enable us to undertake formal discussions with a global leader in the development of EV technology about options and possibilities for the introduction of EVs to the ACT." said ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope.

"The reduction in carbon emissions through the uptake of EVs may be an important step in reducing our carbon footprint, and working toward our goal of a carbon neutral ACT by 2060," Mr Stanhope said.

The Alliance has formed partnerships with governments, cities and other organizations around the world, including Japan, the U.S.A., Europe and Asia, to advance the deployment of electric cars worldwide.

Founded in 1999, the Alliance sold more than 6 million vehicles in 2009 and has an objective of ranking among the world’s top three vehicle manufacturers in terms of quality, technology and profitability.