Germany will only use renewable energy for electricity production in 2050

Germany for over a decade is developing one of the largest renewable energy programs around the world. Despite having a Conservative government, Germany proposes to cover all their needs with renewable sources like wind energy and solar.

Germany is the second country in installed wind power, and has several large wind turbine manufacturers worldwide, such as Enercon, Nordex and Siemens, as well as the presence of wind multinational companies such as Vestas and GE. It has also clearly staked its electric vehicles, whose electricity come from renewables.

The chairman of the Federal Environmental Agency of Germany has set a goal. Germany is one of the leading countries in renewable energy. Germany produces 16% of its electricity through renewable energy such as wind turbines or solar photovoltaics. Is triple what they had five years ago (5%).

The chairman of the Federal Environmental Agency of Germany has said it clearly: "A full conversion to renewable energy by 2050 is possible from a technical and ecological." "It’s a very realistic goal based on technology that already exist. There is a prediction of castles in the sky," he added. He has also suggested that the timetable could still be accelerated with new technological advances and greater public acceptance.

Germany, through its Renewable Energy Law, leads the world in photovoltaic energy production and premiums are the most generous in the world.

Thanks to its Renewable Energy Act, Germany is the world leader in photovoltaics: it expects to add more than 5,000 megawatts of photovoltaic capacity this year to reach a total of 14,000 megawatts. It is also the second-biggest wind energy producer after the United States. Some 300,000 renewable energy jobs have been created in Germany in the last decade.

Germany, also develops offshore wind power, both in the North Sea and in the Baltic, and Siemens is one of the largest manufacturers of wind turbines for offshore wind farms.

The government has set goals for cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 40% between 1990 and 2020, and by 80-85% by 2050. That goal could be achieved if Germany switches completely to renewable sources by 2050, Flasbarth said.

"The costs of a complete switch to renewables are a lot less than the costs to future generations that climate change will cause," he said.