Getting the scoop on wind power at Michigan supply chain meeting

The Supply Chain Summit is being hosted by The Right Place, an economic development organization in Western Michigan, in partnership with AWEA.

Economically crippled by the near-death of the U.S. auto industry, Michigan has emerged In the past two years as the nation’s fastest-growing wind turbines manufacturing region, leading the U.S. in 2009 with 5 wind facility expansions, 2 new online wind facilities and 3 announced wind facilities. The state now has about 3,000 wind farm industry manufacturing jobs.

Topics covered at the summit included an overview of the U.S. wind energy industry and the Michigan manufacturing base, success stories from Michigan wind suppliers, and insights from Michigan manufacturers.


The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) announced that with only 700 megawatts (MW) added in the second quarter of 2010, wind power installations to date this year have dropped by 57% and 71% from 2008 and 2009 levels, respectively.

Manufacturing investment also continues to lag below 2008 and 2009 levels. AWEA and a broad coalition of renewable energy, labor, utility, and environmental organizations are calling on Congress with an urgent appeal to put in place a strong national renewable electricity standard (RES) to spur demand for renewable energy, attract manufacturing investment, and save and create jobs.

By Chris Madison,