ECOtality President and CEO Jonathan R. Read praised the decision. “This is very good news for consumers because it allows businesses to compete and where there is competition, prices are lower and product quality improves. While we believe electric vehicle infrastructure can be viable in diverse utility regulatory settings, we value an open, innovative business environment, and are gratified to see California’s regulators are supportive of that position.”
At issue was whether suppliers of electric vehicle chargers, also known as EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment), should be regulated in the same way as the public utilities that generate and sell electricity. EVSE units interface with the electrical grid allowing access to electricity, as well as providing other consumer services.
The CPUC decision was unanimous. The Commission specifically retained for itself the right to consider and regulate other issues related to electric vehicles and chargers, including those of public safety, metering, home installation and rates.
ECOtality unveiled its Blink brand Level 2 residential and commercial electric vehicle charging systems earlier this week, and will unveil its fast-charging unit later this year.
ECOtality, Inc. (NASDAQ:ECTY), headquartered in San Francisco, California, is a leader in clean electric transportation and storage technologies. Through innovation, acquisitions, and strategic partnerships, ECOtality accelerates the market applicability of advanced electric technologies to replace carbon-based fuels.