California Energy Commission Selects EV Connect

EV Connect, a leading provider of electric vehicles infrastructure solutions (EVISs), announced that the California Energy Commission has chosen EV Connect, along with ClipperCreek and Tom Dowling, to upgrade the existing EV infrastructure throughout the state of California.

As implementation partner for the $1.9 million project, EV Connect will upgrade legacy chargers throughout California, providing adaptations to accommodate existing electric vehicles, while updating charger stations to the new SAE-J1772 standard of new electric car models.

“By upgrading existing electric vehicle charger stations across the state, California continues its leadership in promoting alternative fuel and plug-in vehicle technology,” said Energy Commissioner Anthony Eggert. “This investment will help prepare California for a clean, energy efficient future and advance the state’s transportation infrastructure.”

“We appreciate the CEC’s confidence in EV Connect to bring California’s legacy EV infrastructure up to speed with existing technologies and standards, further validating our leadership as a provider of best-of-breed EV infrastructure solutions,” said Jordan Ramer, CEO of EV Connect.

“We are excited to work with ClipperCreek and Tom Dowling on this initiative. This is an important step forward in realizing EV Connect’s vision of an Electric Superhighway where a seamless EV infrastructure intersects with the Information Highway and Smart Grid.”

In anticipation of new electric car models entering the market from companies such as Nissan, Coda Automotive, General Motors, Ford and Fisker Automotive, among others, work is slated to start in the fall of 2010 and finish by winter of 2011.

“We felt we made a solid offer to the State considering many of the existing units were ones we installed in the 90s,” said Jason France, CEO of ClipperCreek. “This opportunity allows us to update California’s EV infrastructure with the new standards that accommodate all new EVs coming to market.”

EV Connect, an EV industry veteran and visionary, delivers best of breed electric vehicle infrastructure solutions (EVISs), applying its deep expertise to help OEMs design, engineer, install and maintain EV infrastructures. EV Connect is working to unify charging technologies in order to build a seamless Electric Superhighway. Based in Huntington Beach, California, EV Connect is driving EV adoption forward for commercial customers and EV industry partners alike.

ClipperCreek brings product leadership to the electric vehicle charging infrastructure marketplace with reliable, safe and flexible, software-driven products that have been proven through 10 years of development and field experience. ClipperCreek is the exclusive provider of EVSE chargers for BMW’s Mini-E and for Tesla Motors’ Level 2 EVSE charging stations. ClipperCreek also provides chargers to power Mercedes, GM and Nissan vehicles.