DOE Project Promotes Planning for Balancing Wind Power Variability Across Regions

LCG will provide the key modeling support to analyze the benefits and costs of regional collaboration for integrating the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) wind energy into the Southeastern Electric Reliability Council (SERC) electricity markets.

“… through coordinating balancing operations between SPP and SERC, we expect the study will begin to quantify the value of integrating regional wind and transmission …,” says Sidart Deb, VP of Operations at LCG.

To determine the physical and financial benefit of inter-regional coordination between SPP and SERC, LCG will use the UPLAN Network Power Model and PLATO database to simulate the entire southeast region.

The results of the study shall answer key questions about the overall economics of building wind farm plants in SPP and sharing output with SERC to accommodate meet the upcoming federal renewable mandates and to control the variability and uncertainty of wind turbines in availability in SPP.