The system design allows the user to sample wind and ocean data in multiple locations prior to setting wind turbines, and then doubles as a foundation turbine support after the data sampling job is complete, resulting in significant savings to the client company while enabling the client to collect a wider range of information for his particular wind site location.
Existing systems require the developer to place fixed foundations in place for one year’s required wind measurement to document the energy potential for a given site. The Titan “WMPS” System is mobile and re-installable to the rated water depth.
This capability enables the developer to gain a more accurate sample of the overall wind site, and its pay-back potential to the investors into the wind farm.
In addition the capabilities of the system allow for full scale measurement 3.6 and 5 MW (428 ft) blade tip to blade tip, existing fixed systems are restricted in height of the sample tower because of restrictions in the foundations and tower structural strength by code.
The company President was quoted as saying, “This point of product development marks a significant change in our offerings, with the conclusion of both the 3.6 and 5 MW basic platforms while working with the Round 3 developers within the UK waters we can now offer a product that saves 4-5 Million USD per wind power site and serve as a foundation for the site as a wind turbine support performing double duty, while adding the true mobile aspect of the design is a industry first.”