The cartridges contain solid-state energy storage chemistry which is processed into electric energy via XP’s onboard processor. Licensed in part from Limnia energy, an associated partner of XP Vehicles, the technology is now available to any manufacturer wishing to deliver the device as an after-market unit to electric vehicle purchasers and to electric vehicle manufacturers who are finding consumer resistance to “range anxiety” or the concern over limited range in electric cars.
Not only does the EV Range Plus eliminate range anxiety but it also eliminates the extension cord, trip-and-fall accidents from extension cords, the challenge of where to plug in your car at work or while traveling and battery obsolescence.
XP Vehicles is a Bay Area start-up formed by technology experts and a consortium of companies who are each expert in their component area. XP is known for developing the X-Panel™ composite structure, a new type of material to build cars with. While it has been referred to as “inflatable” the X-Panel material is actually a multicell micro-array that creates the most crash-proof, longest range, lowest cost electric vehicles on Earth. XP has been funded by government grants, research groups, manufacturing partners and founders.