On behalf of Alcor, a Tunisian consulting firm, MEGAJOULE organises a 3 day event for members of the Tunisian National Agency for Energy Conservation (ANME). The main topic of the event is concerning wind energy in Portugal. The event will take place from the 10th of January until the 12th of January and is financed by the United Nations Development Programme.
The programme of Monday the 10th of January will be divided into a political and a technical session. The first session will cover political topics regarding wind energy, the environmental and energy policies of the European Union and the Portuguese institutional framework for renewable energy. This session will be chaired by Ben Backwell, senior correspondent at Recharge News. The technical session will be hosted by Ricardo Guedes, MEGAJOULE executive board member and founder and the main focus will be on wind resource assessment and its complexity.
On Tuesday the 11th of January the delegation will travel to visit an Iberwind wind farm in the area of Coimbra and later on the EDP Renewables Dispatch centre in Oporto.
On Wednesday the 12th of January, the last day of the event the delegation will visit the ENERCON factory close to Viana do Castelo and later representatives of Vestas and EFACEC will give presentations to the Tunisian delegation.
Executive board member and founder of MEGAJOULE Ricardo Guedes is looking forward to receiving the delegation and states “This will be a great opportunity to share with Tunisian entities the fantastic experience Portugal had with Wind Energy last 10 years. Contributing with drivers of success, lessons learned and presenting the state of the art of the national industry will help Tunisian entities to build their own national framework for developing the national Wind sector and also strengthen bonds between the two countries.”
Megajoule, as Portuguese market leader in wind assessment, is strongly committed to promote alternative and sustainable energy solutions. Megajoule’s core business is wind assessment, but there is a wide range of technical services Megajoule offers from advanced flow simulation (CFD and mesoscale) to power performance tests and independent project due diligence. Acting globally Megajoule also provides advice on solar PV projects. In addition to the creation of the innovation branch Megajoule|Inovação, Megajoule has opened offices in Brazil and Poland in the beginning 2010.