ESTELA is happy to welcome 2 National Solar Thermal Electricity Associations among its Members:
– Italy
ANEST, Associazone Nazionale Energia Solare Termodinamica, the Italian STE association was created in 2009. It currently has around 20 Members and will coorganize with ESTELA the 2nd STE Industry Forum to take place in March 2011 in Sicily where the Archimede concentrated solar energy parabolic trough plant has begun operating in the summer 2010 (5MW + 7 h storage, the first plant with molten salt heat transfer). Within the framework of its National Renewable Energy Action Plan, Italy is planning to have an installed capacity of STE reaching 600 MW in 2020 though its potential is higher.
– France
SER, Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables, the French Renewable Energy Agency has recently created a new Commission dedicated to Solar Thermal Electricity. This Commission currently has around 30 Members. France was home to the first demonstration solar tower plant, Themis in the Pyrenees, and has integrated STE in its National Renewable Energy Action Plan. By 2020 it is estimated that the installed capacity will reach 540 MW and represent 10% of the renewable energy sources capacity. The first plants should begin operating in 2012.