With growing consumer interest in electric cars like the Nissan Leaf and Chevy Volt, which deliver lower fueling and maintenance costs, EV charging infrastructure is becoming increasingly important. A key enabler of fast, convenient charging is energy systems that manage electrical load and ensure safe, cost-effective grid integration.
Green Charge Networks, powered by The Prosser Group, creates systems to optimize facility energy management and harmonize existing systems with the evolving smart grid. Green Charge Networks was recently awarded a $10 million Smart Grid Demonstration Grant from the Department of Energy, which will fund smart grid demonstration projects in New York and New Jersey.
The BACC is a public-private initiative launched by Bay Area civic and business leaders to accelerate the Bay Area clean energy economy. Green Charge Networks joins other major partners including Bank of America and Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
Ron Prosser, Founder and CEO, Green Charge Networks: “Our system enables efficient EV energy management while enhancing the integrity of the grid. Together with the BACC, we will catalyze adoption of electric vehicles and help deliver on the promise of the clean energy economy.”
Rafael Reyes, Director, BACC: “There is tremendous potential for smart energy management to advance electric vehicles, and Green Charge Networks is on the defining edge of this technology. We are excited to join Green Charge in helping to advance EV innovations that will build economic prosperity in the region.”
The Bay Area Climate Collaborative (BACC) is a public-private initiative launched by Bay Area civic and business leaders to accelerate clean energy in the region. Major partners include Bank of America and Pacific Gas & Electric, and local governments representing over 70 percent of the Bay Area population. With its ambitious 10-point action plan, the BACC is driving innovation, such as the $5 million dollar EV Fleet National Demonstration Project to bring electric vehicles to Bay Area municipal fleets.