Under the terms of the wind power contract, Altairnano will offer a 1MW ALTI-ESS energy storage system for the wind farm as part of a wind turbines integration test.
The energy storage system will be positioned at the Hawi’i wind farm located on the island of Hawai’i. In addition, the system at the wind farm will be connected to the utility grid at the Hawai’i Electric Light Company (HELCO). As per the agreement, Altairnano has to construct, deliver, commission and install the ALTI-ESS energy storage system. In addition, Altairnano will offer system monitoring, reporting and technical support for three years.
The wind energy project would start functioning by the third quarter of 2011 and is funded by a grant obtained from the Office of Naval Research. The research project involves the testing of the battery system’s performance characteristics. In addition, it will show the efficiency of the battery storage technology to combine wind energy and the electric grid.