This scale of i-MiEV provision, 507 electric cars with lithium ion batteries, has been the largest inquiry MMC has ever received since its sales started. It also marks the first case of provision of electric vehicles under the Green Investment Scheme (GIS-A type of international emission trading pursuant to Article 17 of the Kyoto Protocol, whose proceeds are to be used for environmental measures including GHG emission reductions).
This provision is brought by the agreement Mitsubishi Corporation has concluded with the Estonian Government to purchase 10 million tons of emissions rights. With carrying out this GIS, the Estonian government plans to use these i-MiEVs in public facilities (in the field of social welfare) as part of its aim at realizing the widespread use of electric vehicles throughout the country. The Estonian Government expects to utilize i-MiEV for CO2 reductions in the country, thanks to its zero CO2 emission characteristics while driving. MMC will also provide technical support to the Estonian Government in monitoring CO2 reductions effected by introducing i-MiEV. The 507 units will be shipped to Estonia by end of fiscal 2011.
i-MiEV first went on sale in July 2009 mainly towards fleet customers and for individual customers in April 2010 in Japan, gaining appraisal for its high environmental performances, quietness, comfortable ride and dynamic performance. MMC has sequentially expanded its sales to global scale after its release in Japan to Hong Kong, Australia and Europe — and will start its sales in Canada and the United States this fall.