Wind power is by far one of the cleanest forms of energy

On this celebration of Earth Day, the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) is proud to note that beyond being affordable and homegrown, wind turbines is by far one of the cleanest forms of energy on the planet. As evidence, wind uses no water, requires no fuel, and has no waste.

"The fact that wind farm is adding 35 percent of all electric capacity since 2007 is something to celebrate this Earth Day," said Denise Bode, AWEA CEO."That means less water used in energy production and generation, less imported fossil fuels and less waste to clean up. We have come a long way since the original Earth Day in 1970, and with the support of policymakers to make renewables part of the long-term national energy policy, we will certainly achieve 20 percent of the electricity generated in the U.S. by 2030 just as predicted by the Department of Energy under President George W. Bush."

Here is some proof that wind energy makes America cleaner:

Unlike nearly every other form of energy, wind uses no water – and by 2030, U.S. wind will save as much as 30 trillion bottles of water. If laid end-to-end, that’s enough to go to Saturn and back – twice.

It would take a coal train 6,000 miles long (enough to cross the U.S. twice) to produce as much electricity as U.S. wind turbines generated this year.

It would take 210 million barrels of oil (almost 9 billion gallons) to generate as much electricity as U.S. wind turbines will generate this year.

"State legislatures and governors also deserve our thanks for carrying the torch and continuing to raise standards for renewable energy, as they have done recently in California and have the chance to do soon in Indiana and Illinois — as the federal government still can and should do for the nation," Bode said. "Wind energy is clean, safe, affordable, and homegrown — and has become a major part of America’s energy future, with far fewer impacts on the environment we all depend on."