Two Texas Wind Power Leaders Win 2011 Public Power Award

Wolf Ridge Wind Farm in Muenster, Texas, which generates 40 percent of Denton’s electricity. CPS Energy, based in San Antonio, Texas, provides 10 percent of its total energy through its voluntary Windtricity program — and expects to increase this to 20 percent by 2020.

And Denton Municipal Electric of Denton, Texas, purchased enough wind power — 539,000 MWh — from the Wolf Ridge Wind Farm last fiscal year to power about 49,450 homes. In just one year, Denton’s purchase has reduced air pollution by preventing the release of 424,128 tons of carbon dioxide, 206 tons of nitrogen oxide and 1,257 tons of sulfur dioxide emissions.

The annual Public Power Award, sponsored by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Wind Powering America initiative and the American Public Power Association, recognizes public power utility companies at the forefront of developing America’s vast wind resources and providing affordable electricity to customers.

Randy Manion is the director of Western Area Power Administration’s Renewable Energy Program.