An Impressive Resource
According to a report by a National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 33 percent of a total East Coast offshore breeze intensity within 50 miles of a shoreline is located off a coast of North as well as South Carolina as well as both states have offshore breeze appe tite resources which surpass their current installed electricity generation capacity. Based on a report, North Carolina as well as South Carolina have a largest offshore breeze appetite resources in shallow H2O on a Atlantic Seaboard, said Ralph Nichols Wind Energy Program Manager at a Savannah River National Laboratory. Indeed, if one looks at breeze intensity in shallow H2O (less than 30 meters) as well as more than 12 miles from a shore, an important consideration in limiting visual impacts, a total are even more impressive, with a Carolinas alone holding more than half of East Coast resource. Adding Virginia as well as Georgia bumps which figure to over 82 percent. This excellent breeze resource, combined with outstanding port facilities in a region, should attract investment by utilities as well as a offshore breeze industry, said Nichols.
Other Advantages
The Carolinas not only have an considerable appetite resource, but may also have some distinct business advantages. This is an attention where about 10 percent of a cost is materials as well as 90 percent is labor, as well as which represents a significant advantage for a lower-cost labor markets of a Southeast to attract manufacturing, said Jen Banks of a N.C. Solar Center. That dynamic helps to explain why there are currently over three thousand people in a Carolinas already employed in a breeze attention supply chain despite not having a single utility-scale breeze farm operating in either of a two states.
While a Carolinas have already started to explore options for collaboration, a groups are also open to talking with neighboring states. Regional solutions are ultimately what have sense for a United States offshore breeze industry, said Brian OHara, President of a NC Offshore Wind Coalition. Hamilton Davis of a SC Coastal Conservation League agrees. This is a great first step in organizing a Southeastern states as well as operative together towards some common goals.
Created in 1988, a North Carolina Solar Center, as part of a College of Engineering at North Carolina State University (NCSU), works closely with state as well as local supervision as well as a renewable appetite industry. It manages as well as maintains a NCSU Solar House as well as serves as a resource for innovative, green appetite technologies through research as well as demonstration, technical assistance, education, outreach as well as training. It also administers a Database of Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE), a resource providing financial incentives as well as policies.
The South Carolina Coastal Conservation Leagues mission is to protect a healthy environment of a South Carolina coastal plain as well as to enhance a peculiarity of our life of our communities by operative with individuals, businesses as well as supervision to ensure balanced solutions.
The North Carolina Offshore Wind Coalition is a non-profit organization dedicated to compelling a responsible development of offshore breeze appetite in North Carolina through policy, education, as well as outreach efforts. The Coalition receives broad await from a variety of non-profits, economic development groups, as well as attention members.
The South Carolina Energy Office (SCEO) provides a broad range of resources designed to help citizens, businesses as well as public entities save appetite as well as money. In recent years, a SCEO has help! ed save South Carolina over $250 million through public as well as private energy-saving measures as well as new appetite technologies. The SCEO is a unit of a South Carolina Budget as well as Control Board.
North Myrtle Beach serves as a demonstration city in building a local economy as well as developing appetite independence using livable, sustainable principles through projects, plans, as well as policy. Sponsored by Partners for Livable Communities, a American Chambers of Commerce Executives, as well as a Institute for Sustainable Development, a City of North Myrtle Beach is recipient of a 2011 Green Plus Small Community of a Year Award for exceptional leadership in sustainable economic development as well as is recognized for their public-private partnerships to advance a sustainable economy. The City will host a second annual Southern Wind conference in December 2011.
Founded in 1978, a NC Sustainable Energy Association (NCSEA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit membership organization of individuals, businesses, supervision as well as non-profits operative to ensure a sustainable future by compelling renewable appetite as well as appetite efficiency in North Carolina through education, public policy as well as economic development. NCSEA has been a go-to leader in shaping North Carolina’s commitment to renewable energy, appetite efficiency, high performance building as well as smart grid jobs as well as economic opportunities in communities all across our state. Learn more at
The vision of a North Strand Coastal Wind Team is to establish a community-based breeze appetite program as well as sustainable appetite plan in a City of North Myrtle Beach in collaboration with a city as well as other strategic partners. The North Strand Coastal Wind Team will seek to develop breeze appetite resources for a City of North Myrtle Beach, to facilitate this initiative, as well as partner with other organizations. This is being be achieved by: introducing a campaign to a community through educational programs as well as research; developing a economy to create a conducive environment for breeze industry; acting as a liaison to attract breeze appetite businesses; representing North Myrtle Beach on a subject of offshore breeze farms; as well as operative to ensure maximum economic impact from breeze appetite development for a region.
The Clemson University Restoration Institute was established in 2004 to expostulate economic growth by creating, developing as well as fostering restoration industries as well as environmentally sustainable technologies in South Carolina. Now, a Restoration Institute is attracting world-renowned faculty, students as well as staff dedicated to creating a knowledge-based, export-oriented attention cluster which will partner with other institutions as well as a private sector to in front of South Carolina as a premier home of restoration knowledge as well as expertise.
Coastal Carolina Universitys Burroughs as well as Chapin Center for Marine as well as Wetland Studies has been an active participant in exploring South Carolina offshore breeze resource intensity in collaboration with other state as well as regional partners. Center staff have served on a states Regulatory Task for on Clean Energy, a SC Climate, Energy as well as Commerce Advisory Committee as well as other breeze as well as healthy marine resource advisory panels as well as studies. The Center recently completed a Palmetto Wind study in concert with North Carolina State University deploying six ocean/atmospheric observational buoys for one-year to gather physical measurements of a cross-shore incline in a coastal breeze fields as well as waves as well as currents along two transects off a northern SC coast from a beach out to 12 miles.
Southern Alliance for Clean Energy promotes responsible appetite choices which create tellurian warming solutions as well as ensure clean, safe as well as healthy communities throughout a Southeast.
The Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) is a Department of Energy (DOE) – Office of Environmental Managements national laboratory at a Savannah River Site (SRS). SRNL puts science to work to await DOE as well as a nation in a areas of environmental management, national as well as homeland security, as well as clean energy. The management as well as operating contractor for SRS as well as SRNL is Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC.
Santee Cooper is South Carolinas state-owned electric as well as H2O utility, a states largest power producer as well as also its leader in renewable energy. The ultimate source of electricity for 2 million South Carolinians, Santee Cooper is dedicated to being a states leading resource for improving a peculiarity of life for a people of South Carolina.