Ensures that the concentrated solar energy industry "could achieve technological self-sufficiency to 90 percent, but currently does not compensate the increase in terms of economic efficiency."
As reported Protermosolar, Andalusia "is the Spanish Autonomous Community with more concentrated solar thermal power plants, which is to say the world region with more facilities of this kind, which has a total of ten operations centers scattered throughout the provinces of Seville (Sanlucar la Mayor and Fuentes de Andalucia), Granada two – in Aldeire and La Calahorra – Córdoba two – both in the town of Palma del Río – plus another dozen more are under construction between Sevilla, Granada, Cordoba and Cadiz.
In three years, between 2008 and 2011, concentrated solar thermal power plants "have gone from using components manufactured by 50 percent abroad to only 20 or 25 percent, a figure sufficiently illustrative of the progress in R & D have made by our industry and hence its global leadership in the sector, by contrast with others in the national economy. " Protermosolar stated that 50 percent is applied "to a very small number of items while 75 per cent applies on a much larger quantity."
The costs of concentrated solar thermal power plant comprises a rate of 50 percent for the solar field, 15 percent for the power conversion system, 15 percent for the storage system, ten percent for the system control and its auxiliary and the remaining ten percent for electrical and electronic components.
By José Santamarta, www.helioscsp.com/