Russia to have charging stations for electric vehicles

Tuesday will witness the opening of Russia’s first charging stations for electric vehicles in Moscow. This was reported by Moscow United Power Grid Company. In the framework of the event, the official Mitsubishi "Rolf-import" dealers will present the company with several electric cars.

Also scheduled is the launch of charging stations and a demonstration of their operation. Before the end of the current year the Moscow Power Company planned to install 28 such charging stations in Moscow and its environs. Of these, 15 are designed for 8-10 hours charge, ten – for 4-5 hours, and three – for 20-30 minutes.

The construction of the plant took 18 months. Rusnano provided 7 billion roubles in direct investment and loans to the project, Thundersky 6 billion, along with technology and intellectual property. The factory has begun production of eco-friendly batteries for consumer electronics.

"It is planned to start batteries supplies for 100 electric buses in Moscow by the end of 2011”, – says Rosnano managing director Sergey Polikarpov.