Top Concentrating Solar Power companies to meet in Madrid

As CSP technology matures, cost reduction is steadily rising on the agenda for the main CSP companies. Getting the maximum yield from existing and future plants is the key to success for CSP projects. The CSP Optimisation Summit will discuss and analyse the best way to optimise the technology with an impressive list of delegates already confirmed to attend.

Among the confirmed attendees are senior level representatives from the main CSP developers, EPCs and service providers such as: Abengoa Solar, Lointek, Laborelec, Opex Energy, Haifa, Idom, Ferrostaal Solar, ACS Cobra, Tecnatom, to mention a few.

Luis Crespo (ESTELA and Protermosolar) y Eduardo Zarza (CIEMAT- PSA) will chair the event and will share opinions and knowledge with the following companies of the CSP industry: Abengoa, Torresol O&M, DLR Institute of Solar Research, Abantia, OPEX Energy, Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM, Siemens, ENEA and Novatec.

In our CSP-dedicated expo area, Microtherm, Aalborg CSP and Huiyin Group will be showcasing their products to the attendees and sharing their experience.

To find out more about this market leading event, visit: