Hexicon AB, a Swedish clean tech company specializing in the design of off-shore platforms for wind and wave power, is together with local subsidiary Hexicon Malta Ltd continuing the development of a renewable energy solution for Malta in close cooperation with Maltese authorities. The project is independent of and thereby unaffected by the European Commission’s NER300 decision.
– The off-shore wind power project on Malta is developing according to plan. Hexicon is having a close and fruitful dialogue with the relevant Maltese authorities, and we expect to take the next step in the project in the near future, says Anders Tunbjer, CEO of Hexicon AB.
Recently, the European Commission announced the beneficiaries of the NER300 programme, an EU co-finance scheme supporting the construction of renewable energy plants. Together with local subsidiary Hexicon Malta Ltd, Hexicon AB applied for NER300 co-finance for the construction of a floating platform for wind and wave power outside Malta. The Maltese project was not selected as one of the beneficiaries.
Hexicon AB has expended its technical and human resources over the last two years which contributed to the achieved advances on our floating wind platform project. The project has matured in such a way that Hexicon has received more than expected interest from different investors and financial institutions.
The project is entirely unaffected by the European Commission’s decision. We proceed as planned, and we are looking forward to continue our close cooperation with Maltese authorities towards finalizing our necessary permits; furthermore we have conducted several of the technical verification steps and are establishing a good dialogue with potential builders of the platform as well as financiers. The wind studies that we have done in the area show that the project is still very interesting from an investors point of view, concludes Anders Tunbjer.
For more information, please contact: Anders Tunbjer, CEO, Hexicon AB. Phone: +46 705 603050. Email: anders.tunbjer@hexicon.eu. Ray Sciberras, CEO, Hexicon Malta Ltd. Phone: +35 67 95 82078. Email: ray.sciberras@hexiconmalta.eu. Visit Hexicon at: www.hexicon.eu.