China Wind Power International Corp. (“China Wind Power” or the “Company”) announced today that the filing of its annual financial statements, management’s discussion and analysis and related officer certifications for the financial year ended March 31, 2012 (the “Annual Filings”) will be delayed beyond the filing deadline of July 30, 2012. The Company expects to provide more detail via a subsequent news release early next week.
As a result of this delay, the Company intends to make an application to the Ontario Securities Commission and other relevant securities regulatory authorities under applicable securities legislation for the issuance of a management and insider cease trade order (“MCTO”) in connection with the anticipated filing delay. If an MCTO is granted, it will prohibit the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, and possibly the directors and other insiders of the Company, from trading in securities of the Company for so long as the Annual Filings have not been completed. The issuance of an MCTO would generally not affect the ability of persons who are not, or who have not been, directors, officers or other insiders of the Company to trade in the Company’s securities.
China Wind Power International Corp. is an Ontario company that is uniquely positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for wind power in China. The Company indirectly holds the exclusive rights for wind energy development in Du Mon County, Heilongjiang Province, which has a demonstrated potential installed capacity of 1,150 MW of wind energy developable over an area of 612 square km. While 1,150 MW represents the Company’s long-term potential for wind power in the area, its current plans are for building out approximately 800 MW over five development phases. The Company’s common shares are listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol “CNW”.