Company Parque Eólico Tres Hermanas has submitted an EIS to Peru’s energy and mines ministry for a 90MW wind farm, according to ministry information.
The wind power developer last year was awarded a contract in the country’s second renewable energy auction with a bid of US$0.069/kWh. The wind farm is planned for Marcona district in Nazca province, Ica region and startup is penciled in for end-2014.
The ministry also reported that Empresa de Generación Eléctrica Santa Ana (EGE Santa Ana) filed environmental documents for a 60kV, 18.6km transmission line associated with hydro project RenovAndes H1 (20MW).
EGE Santa Ana is a special purpose company established to build and operate the hydro and line in Junín region. The ministry granted the definitive concession for RenovAndes H1 in May.