Arise Windpower has concluded an agreement with Bergvik Skog AB for the takeover of the Skaftåsen wind power project.
The project is located to the east of Lillhärdal in southern Härjedalen. An application for an environmental permit for the planned wind farm has been submitted but not yet approved. The project comprises up to 130 wind turbines with a total maximum capacity of about 400 MW.
Under the agreement, Arise Windpower will assume responsibility for the continued implementation of the project.
Arise Windpower is one of Sweden’s leading companies in onshore wind power. Its business concept is to sell electricity generated at the company’s own wind turbines. The company’s target is to have about 700 MW (equivalent to about 300 wind turbines) in operation or under construction by 2014. Arise Windpower is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm
Arise Windpower AB (publ), Box 808, SE-301 18 Halmstad, Sweden, tel. +46 (0)35 20 20 900, org.no. 556274-6726
E-mail: info@arisewindpower.se, www.arisewindpower.se