RES has welcomed the decision to dismiss a legal challenge by protesters against a six turbine wind farm at Jack’s Lane near Fakenham in North West Norfolk as a “victory for common sense”.
The High Court upheld the decision to allow the wind farm to go ahead, which was made by a Planning Inspector following a Public Inquiry in February 2012.
Helen Wilson, RES Project Manager, commented, “We are very pleased with the decision, which supports the Planning Inspector’s view at the Inquiry last year. Well designed wind farms like Jack’s Lane are desperately needed in order to provide the UK with a clean, reliable and cost effective source of renewable energy. Energy prices have rocketed in the last 10 years, largely due to our over-reliance on imported gas. Given these circumstances, it is clear that the UK needs many more environmentally friendly and beneficial energy-generating schemes like Jack’s Lane. This is a victory for common sense.”
Once operational, Jack’s Lane Wind Farm will be capable of generating sufficient renewable electricity to meet the average needs of approximately 8,000 homes. This is roughly equivalent to the number of households in the local council wards of Rudham, Docking, Burnham, Snettisham, Brancaster and Hunstanton. As well as providing a safe, secure and low-carbon source of electricity, the wind farm will also bring benefits to the community; such as a community fund of around £27,000 per year, and wildlife enhancement measures at the site, including the creation of new feeding areas for pinkfooted geese.
Helen Wilson concludes: “We are absolutely confident that the wind farm will be a positive asset to people living around it. RES will be a good neighbour and we now look forward to working with the Council and the local community to finalise the project.”