The onshore wind power plant Guangrao with a capacity of 50 megawatts (MW) was completed at the end of 2012.
It is the first wind energy project jointly delivered and implemented by the two wind power joint ventures of Siemens and Shanghai Electric.
The joint ventures delivered 20 SWT-2.5.-108 wind turbines with an output of 2.5 megawatts each and a rotor diameter of 108 meters.
This also marks a key milestone for the two companies after signing their alliance agreements at the end of 2011.
Since their beginning in 2013, the two joint ventures called Siemens Wind Power Turbines (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, and Shanghai Electric Wind Energy Co., Ltd., are now in full operation and ready to serve the world’s largest wind power market.
In recent years, China has rapidly developed to become the leading wind power market.
In the first six months of 2012 China again represented by far the largest wind market, adding 5.4 GW or almost one third of worldwide wind installations.
By June 2012 China had an overall installed capacity of nearly 68 GW. “In cooperation with Shanghai Electric, our long term and trusted partner in China, the establishment of the two wind power joint ventures demonstrates our firm commitment to the Chinese market, ” said Michael Suess, member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG and CEO of the Energy Sector. “Siemens provides its advanced wind turbine technology and international know-how and experience in project management and execution to the new joint ventures.”