RMT, Inc. (RMT), a renewable energy engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor, completed the design and construction of 555 megawatts of renewable energy in 2012.
RMT closed out the year with an industry-leading safety record once again. RMT and its subcontractors worked over 1.7 million hours in 2012 without a single lost-time incident. The company’s Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) came in at 0.46 and its Experience Modification Rate (EMR) came in at 0.80, well below the industry averages of 3.5 and 1.0, respectively. RMT and its subcontractors have worked over 4.2 million consecutive man hours without a lost-time incident since September 29, 2010.
The companies of IEA have institutionalized a culture of safety, enabling them to operate in the most stringent and challenging work environments. “As projects become more complex, with tighter budgets and schedules, especially in 2012 with rushed deadlines of December 31 st to meet the Production Tax Credit expiration, RMT remained focused on safely completing all of our projects,” said RMT President John Kennedy. “Meeting our client’s goals and bringing our people home safe is a consequence of the culture, commitment, and quality of our people.”
RMT received numerous health and safety awards for its 2012 performance. This includes four awards from the National Safety Council: the Milestone Award, the Perfect Record Award, the Million Work Hours Award and the Occupational Excellence Achievement Award.
RMT is a leading EPC contractor specializing in the design and construction of wind power and solar electric energy generating facilities. RMT’s experienced construction crews are backed by in-house engineering and development support professionals. RMT’s EPC renewable energy portfolio includes nearly 5,000 MW. The company is headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, and has recently become a subsidiary of Infrastructure and Energy Alternatives LLC (IEA).