On 14 November 2013, the Chinese Bureau of Energy released a draft of proposed solar power installations for China in 2014. Under this proposal, new solar installations in China are expected to reach 12 GW in 2014 . This includes 8 GW of distributed PV generation and 4 GW in the ground-mount segment.
Jiangsu Province is expected to have the leading market share with 1.3 GW of quotas within the pipeline. This is followed by Shandong Province (1.2 GW) and Zhejiang Province (1.1 GW). Other provinces in the top ten quota list include: Hebei, Guangdong, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Henan and Gansu.
The release of the quotas for 2014 will provide confidence to project developers in the Chinese solar PV market, and reflects the positive attitude of the Bureau of Energy towards the rooftop segment.
The Bureau of Energy has also explained that the allocation to the ground-mount segment could be adjusted, based on the progress of PV installations in 2014. While the ground-mount segment will continue to dominate the Chinese solar PV market during 2014,