During October 2013, Solar photovoltaics (PV) represented 3.1% of electricity generation in Spain, with concentrating solar power (CSP) representing another 1.6%, according to figures released by the nation’s grid operator REE.
The National Association of Photovoltaic Energy Producers (ANPIER), the Association of Renewable Energy Producers (APPA), Protermosolar, and the Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF) have called on the President of the Congress to allow time for the law to be debated article by article, given its importance.
The associations note that 57 amendments by the ruling Popular Party have been included in the text of the law directly. Another 441 amendments submitted by other parties were debated on November 19th, 2013.
“We cannot approve without parliamentary discussion a law that affects our legal security, to thousands of investors and the future of a sector as strategic for our nation as is energy,” reads the statement from the four organizations.
ANPIER, APPA, Protermosolar and UNEF have also denounced in recent months the lack of dialogue and consensus in the government “in all matters of electricity reform”.
Spain has the third-highest percentage of solar electric generation of any large nation globally, after Germany and Italy, and is the only nation to obtain more than 1% of its electricity from CSP.
The combined 4.7% from solar is a gain of 0.4% from October 2012, when PV and CSP met 4.3% of demand. When biomass, hydroelectricity and wind are added, renewables represented 35% of generation during October 2013.
Renewables rise to 42% of generation in 2013
Over the first ten months of 2013, PV and CSP represented 5.3% of generation. All renewables together represented 42% of generation, an 11% gain in percentage points over the first ten months of 2012.
Spain: Policy changes may put a stop to renewable energy progress
Spain has the third-highest percentage of solar electric generation of any large nation globally, after Germany and Italy, and is the only nation to obtain more than 1% of its electricity from CSP.
The nation also has one of the highest percentages of wind production globally, and wind supplied over 20% of generation during the 10-month period.
Due retroactive cuts, a moratorium on the nation’s feed-in tariff and other attacks on renewable energy which are currently being considered in the nation’s parliament, PV, CSP and other renewable energy generation are not likely to grow substantially in the next few years.