Fugro say they have been awarded two contracts to perform cable burial and survey operations at two wind farm sites in the UK.
The first contract is for CT Offshore A/S at RWE Innogy’s Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm located in Liverpool Bay off the North Wales coast. The work involves the burial and post-burial survey of 63 inter-array cables.
The second contract is a similar work-scope at a wind-farm located off the UK East coast. The projects will run consecutively with work commencing in January and completing in the 3rd quarter of 2014.
Fugro adds that it is mobilising one of its two Q1400 trenching spreads onto the vessel Fugro Saltire in order to execute the work program. Fugro Saltire is also equipped with two FCV 3000 work class ROV systems and a full data acquisition and processing package to provide high quality pre and post trenching charting and documentation.
eólica eólica marina Fugro offshore UK wind energy