Enel Green Power Portugal is helping young people understand the benefits of renewable energy by offering them a chance to see its Serra da Capucha wind farm.
EGP is opening the doors of the Serra da Capucha wind farm to local schools in Portugal and is taking part in a contest organised for young people by the Torres Vedras Environmental Education Centre. During the current school year Enel Green Power Portugal signed a partnership with the Environmental Education Centre that aims to raise awareness of renewable sources and energy efficiency among young people living in this area.
As part of this commitment, EGP opened the doors of its Serra da Capucha wind farm to schools, allowing students to find out how this type of facility works and its benefits for the environment. These experiences will then be shared by the students with their peers from other schools, further spreading knowledge.
EGP will also support the contest organisedfor young people and children by the Torres Vedras Environmental Education Centre in which they will make a video about wind power. EGP will send its experts to take a look at the videos and take part in the award ceremony. The prize for the winners is an educational visit to Enercon, a company that is supervised and coordinated by EGP, which will give the young people of Torres Vedras the opportunity to take a close look at one of the world’s major wind turbines.
Enel Green Power is helping to fulfil the Enel Group’s commitment to the promotion of educational activities for you people, and PlayEnergy, an annual Enel initiative that involves thousands of students from around the globe, is a clear example of this. This year the project is articulated along ten themes that will allow the students to get to know and explore anything they could want to know about energy.