It was just about a couple of months ago that the Indian Government was changed and the Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi came up with the idea of making use of Solar power to solve all the power related problems in the country.
The Government of India is working in full fledge as it carries on with the project called the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission or simply the National Solar Mission that focuses on making India the leader in Solar Power Generation.
The target set by the government is that they will produce about 20000 MW of solar power by the year 2022. The project is said to be in its second phase now. A few years back, when it was first introduced, it was targeted that the government would produce about 1000 MW in the first phase i.e. 2010-2013. In the second phase i.e. 2013-2017, it is planned that about 10000 MW of Solar power will be produced by the end of 2017. And in the last phase, i.e. by the end of 2022, the government has targeted a production of 20000 MW of Solar power that will be evenly distributed in areas where there is less electricity.
The Government has already begun its work of inviting companies to bid for this majestic project that is one of India’s largest solar Power capacities. It is already observed that the northern region of the country already faces low power supply. Thus, the introduction of this project promises brighter days for all the rural and the urban areas in the country.
With the increase in the amount of solar power generation, the considerable cost that one would have to pay for the power will also decrease. It is already found that the price of solar power that was Rs. 17 per unit has come down to Rs. 8 or Rs. 10 per unit and is expected to decrease further up to Rs. 4 per unit. Thus, with the promise of spreading solar power to light up rural as well as urban areas, the government of India has also tried its best to reduce the cost of power.
RB Electronics, a company that manufactures Electronic devices in Pune has also begun contributing to this cause by manufacturing high quality solar lights that can be used at home offices and in public places. Keeping in mind the Government’s idea of maintaining the affordability, this company is busy making lights that will be available at never before rates without compromising on the quality.