An Bord Pleanála has overruled its planning inspector to give the go ahead to plans for a substantial €80 million wind farm in north Tipperary that will be almost 30m (100ft) taller than Dublin’s Spire.
In its decision, the appeals board has granted permission for a 16-turbine farm to ESB Wind Development and Coillte on the slopes of the highest peak in north Tipperary, Keeper Hill, in the Silvermines mountains south of the M7 Limerick to Dublin route.
The wind turbines have a tip height of 145m (475ft) – 25m (81ft) higher than Dublin’s 120m (394ft) high Spire.
The council made its decision after the Department of Arts and Heritage objected to the plan, stating that the proposed development would result in a net loss of 137 hectares of habitat within the Slievefelim to Silvermines Hen Harrier Special Protection Area (SPA).