SCHOTT Solar Concentrated Solar Power CSP GmbH filed lawsuit against Chinese Weihai Golden Sun Co., Ltd (Huiyin) and US SkyFuel, Inc. for infringement of one of its patents regarding the design of solar receivers.
SCHOTT Solar CSP GmbH filed a lawsuit in the Denver, CO Federal District Court against Chinese Weihai Golden Sun Co., Ltd (Huiyin) and US SkyFuel, Inc. for infringement of one of its patents regarding the design of solar receivers. The defendants are alleged to have imported and installed infringing products manufactured by Huiyin in a concentrated solar power plant located in the US.
SCHOTT Solar CSP is an affiliate of the international technology group SCHOTT and has achieved technological and market leadership thanks to a strong innovation roadmap for solar receivers. These receivers are the heart of concentrated solar power (CSP) plants using parabolic trough or linear Fresnel technology. The respective patent No. 7,013,887 refers to the design of the receiver ends. SCHOTT has designed the ends to maximize the active surface area and thus convert more sunlight into heat and electricity, making the receivers even more efficient. “We have our Intellectual Property (IP) protected in strategic countries worldwide and are not willing to forfeit any rights associated with this status. If our IP is infringed upon, we have the responsibility to pursue this – wherever, whenever and against whomever”, says Dr. Patrick Markschläger, Managing Director of SCHOTT Solar CSP.
SCHOTT launched the development of its SCHOTT PTR®70 receiver back in 2002. Since then, SCHOTT Solar CSP has achieved technological and market leadership and has supplied more than 1 million receivers to CSP projects worldwide. Because of their benchmark performance, durability and reliability, CSP-plants with a cumulative capacity of more than 3.2 Gigawatts have chosen to install SCHOTT PTR®70 receivers. Just recently, the company concluded deliveries to the Noor-1 project in Morocco, as well as the Bokpoort-project in South Africa and received the prestigious “Industry Choice Award” at the CSPtoday conference in Sevilla, Spain.
termosolar, Concentrated Solar Power, Concentrating Solar Power, CSP, Concentrated Solar Thermal Power, solar power, solar energy, Schott, Huiyin, SkyFuel