Nordex has been awarded two new contracts from Turkey.
The wind power specialist will be installing 22 units of the N117/2400 Generation Gamma for its customer Sancak Enerji at the “Yahyali” wind farm.
In addition, it is supplying its regular customer Dost Enerji with one N90/2500 turbine to enlarge the “Geres” wind farm.
The “Yahyali” project is being executed in Central Anatolia. With an average wind speed of 6.6 m/s, the expected annual energy yield comes to around 130 million kWh. Specially designed for such conditions, the N117/2400 will achieve an above-average capacity factor of some 36 percent at this site. A five-year premium service contract has been signed for the “Yahyali” wind farm and will take effect upon completion of the project.
The “Geres” wind farm is located close to the town of Manisa in Western Anatolia. The N90/2500 turbine will be enlarging the existing wind farm comprising eleven N90/2500 turbines installed for Dost Enerji in June 2014.
As one of the technological leaders in multi-megawatt wind power systems, Nordex is benefiting from the trend in favour of large-scale turbines. The Generation Gamma range comprises the N90/2500, N100/2500 and the N117/2400, which is one of the most efficient onshore turbines. To date, over 2,600 of these turbines have been produced. This experience with multi-megawatt turbines gives Nordex a decisive lead over most of its competitors. With Generation Delta, Nordex is now offering the fourth generation of its proven multi-megawatt platform (N100/3300, N117/3000, N131/3000). Nordex has installed a total of around 6,000 turbines with an aggregate capacity of more than 10,000 MW all around the world. With exports accounting for around 70 percent of its business, Nordex SE also plays a key role in international high-growth regions. The Company has offices and subsidiaries in 22 countries around the world with a total global headcount of over 2,700 employees.