Recipients in 2014 included the Raptor Center at the University of Minnesota, the Tehachapi Wildlife and Rehabilitation Center in Kern County, California, Blue Mountain Wildlife in Pendleton, Oregon, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center in Holderness, New Hampshire, and the California Raptor Center, a branch of the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine.
“Iberdrola Renewables’ grant supports both wildlife rehabilitation and education programs and will primarily be used to purchase medical supplies and food, our single largest expense,” said Lynn Thompkins, the executive director of Blue Mountain Wildlife.
Iberdrola Renewables in October 2008 became the first U.S. wind power company to voluntarily adopt an Avian and Bat Protection Policy, now referred to as the WPP, which governs pre- and post-construction studies and research at the company’s U.S. wind farms. The company has promoted critical research needed to understand and minimize the impacts on birds and bats specific to wind turbine operations.
“The WPP lays out the foundation and culture that guides the program,” said Stu S. Webster, permitting director for Iberdrola Renewables. “From pre-construction efforts, to estimating actual impacts post-construction, and, where we find necessity or opportunity to do so, the WPP implements a variety of approaches to reduce impacts. As evidenced by this program, the spirit of the WPP reaches beyond our core business and supports communities where we operate.”
The WPP has led to groundbreaking work in locations as diverse as a former Pennsylvania coal mine, the windswept Texas Gulf Coast, and the scenic Columbia River Gorge in Oregon. Interested rehab programs can apply at
Iberdrola Renewables, LLC is the U.S. renewable energy division of parent company IBERDROLA, S.A., an energy pioneer with the largest renewable asset base of any company in the world. Iberdrola Renewables, LLC is headquartered in Portland, Ore., and has more than $10 billion of operating assets totaling more than 6,000 MW of wind and solar generation.