The Gemasolar Concentrated Solar Power plant, owned by Torresol Energy and designed and build by SENER, is chosen once again as the backdrop for an ad campaign.
This time, the car manufacturer Peugeot is advertising its new 308 R Hybrid among the heliostats of the innovative thermoelectric plant. The model will make its debut at the 2015 Shanghai Auto Show.
Gemasolar is a global symbol for innovation and sustainability. It was the first commercial-scale thermoelectric solar plant to apply central tower receiver and heat storage technology using molten salts, and it remains the only solar power station in the world capable of generating 24 hours of uninterrupted power from solar energy alone, thanks to its cutting-edge technology developed by the engineering and technology group SENER. Its iconic image has served as a setting for renowned brands such as Louis Vuitton, Mercedes Benz, Ford and PlayStation®.
In 2014, in its fourth year of commercial operations, Gemasolar continual production surpassed all expectations thanks to both the experience of the Torresol Energy Operation and Maintenance team and the excellent performance of the technology developed by SENER that, following the same model, is been applied in other facilities that SENER is building as turnkey projects. Its closest equivalent is the Noor 3 power plant in Morocco, a natural evolution of Gemasolar but seven times bigger, with a capacity of 150 MWe. This plant, added to others that are to follow, will reinforce the proven technology of central tower receiver and heat storage, a system with undeniable potential in the global energy panorama.