Last 22nd and 23rd of June took place the first Spanish Wind Congress. This event is the meeting point of the industry and it is called to be a worldwide reference event.
The celebration of the technical speeches took place in the hotel Melia Avenida de America and Solute was invited to present the most innovative issues of the new software Furow.
The speech was given inside the section Resource and Prediction, where Antonio Ugarte, General Manager of the Wind Energy Department of CENER, exerted as introducer and moderator during the question time. Companies which accompanied Solute in this section were EMD International and DNV-GL, showing the level of the speeches and positioning Solute between two worldwide wind references.
The person on charge of giving the speech in Solute was Javier Magdalena, responsible of the wind resource department and micrositing and director of the ETSWIND project. ( FUROW is one of the results of this project developed for the last three years and its commercial launch will be in the next months.
During twenty minutes, Javier explained the novelties that this software presents to the market as: atmospheric stability calculation, wind map calculation at different heights, the new calculation procedure of the turbulence map and the results of these methodologies compared with the classic ones used in other commercial softwares.
The results of the investment and efforts of the company performed for the last years are beginning to be shown and Solute is positioning itself as the wind consulting engineering reference in Spain. Proof of this is not only the participation in this event, in the wind resource and prediction field, but also in the next appointment of the AEE (Spanish Wind Association) announced in the Wind Congress.
Solute has been invited once more by the AEE to participate in the wind blades technical conference that will take place the next 24th of September. This time, our colleague Tupac Canosa will be on charge to give a speech of new designs to improve the production as well as the aeroelastic limitations.
The second semester of this year comes with good expectations for the company. We keep working to achieve them.
Wind Spanish Congress:
Wind Blades: design, manufacturing, verification/diagnostic, maintenance and recycling: