Who is having the most impact?

The wind energy industry made significant advancements over the past year, with the United States continuing to lead the world in wind energy production, Iowa generating over 31 percent of its electricity from wind and lawmakers in Oregon raising their RPS target to 50 percent. Congress also passed a multi-year Production Tax Credit and Investment Tax Credit (PTC/ITC) extension, and wind turbine technician became the fastest growing profession in America. It’s been an eventful year, to say the least.

Now, it’s time to recognize those individuals and companies that have made these advancements possible, honoring them with the upcoming AWEA Industry Awards. This May, at AWEA WINDPOWER 2016 Conference & Exhibition, we’ll be presenting two awards: the Britt Theismann Wind Energy Person of the Year Award and the Outstanding Commercial Achievement Award.

The Britt Theismann Award was named in honor of AWEA’s late chief operating officer, whose passion and dedication to a strong U.S. wind industry were an inspiration to anyone who was fortunate enough to have worked with him.  Appropriately, this award is presented to the individual that has had a significant impact in the wind energy industry over the past year through strong advocacy for our industry, while demonstrating exceptional innovation, building key partnerships, and displaying a clear commitment in helping to create a future with clean, affordable homegrown wind energy.

The second award being presented is the Outstanding Commercial Achievement Award, which recognizes a company or individual who has made industry-wide advancements that have driven demand; attained new technological, financial, construction or service innovations; enhanced wind energy’s political position; and/or built strong community acceptance, all in an effort to realize the Wind Vision goal of 20 percent wind energy by 2030.

Who do you think is most deserving of these two awards? If you’d like to suggest a friend or colleague in the industry for the Britt Theismann Person of the Year Award or for the Outstanding Commercial Achievement Award, we’re accepting nominations until March 28.

Don’t miss it when we announce the winners during the Welcome and Opening General Session at WINDPOWER 2016, May 23-26 in New Orleans!
