EDF Energies Nouvelles has entered into three long-term Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), covering 82 MW in combined capacity.
Power will be generated by two solar projects and a wind project located in the province of Ontario, Canada.
These agreements cover the purchase of electricity by the IESO, Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator.
Under its Large Renewable Procurement (LRP) program, the IESO has awarded three 20-year PPAs to EDF EN Canada, EDF Energies Nouvelles’ local subsidiary.
Initiated by the Government of Ontario in 2013, the LRP process is committed to develop renewable energy in Ontario and to strike a balance between early community engagement and achieving value for ratepayers.
The three future renewable facilities are set to be built by EDF EN Canada in Ontario which leads the way in terms of renewable energy in Canada.
•The Pendleton (12 MW*) and Barlow (10 MW*) solar projects occupy up to 56 and 40 hectares respectively, in eastern Ontario.
EDF Energies Nouvelles’ local subsidiary has partnered with the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation on development of these two projects.
•The Romney wind project (60 MW) is located in southwestern Ontario. EDF EN Canada has partnered with the Aamjiwnaang First Nation community in the development of this project.
With a combined installed capacity of 82 MW, these three facilities will supply power equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of around 30,000 Ontario homes.
*The installed capacity of the Pendleton and Barlow solar projects is stated in MW, a unit of measurement for alternating current.
22 MW is equivalent to around 28 MWp (direct current).